Skeleton+Club Problems

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The squad were grouped together with Sans between Moka and Kurumu while Yukari was being next to Papyrus and is a bit too close which the kid didn't mind


Moka:"Miss Nekonome Sensei said that we need to join a school club which is another way for us to learn to co-exist with humans" She said yet there was a word that got the kid's attention

Papyrus:"HUMANS!?" He screamed with excitement

Sans: "Don't really plan on joining one, It seems to tiring"

Papyrus:"Sans you lazy bones! A club is a great opportunity for you to learn humans in order to catch them!" He yelled as the older girls sweat drop

Papyrus:"Well as the great Papyrus, It is only right for me to join you!"

Kurumu:"Um, Can he even join us?"

Yukari:*I already got the permission of the teacher to join, And surprisingly, Sans was able to get the permission of the principal"

Kurumu:"How did you do that?" She asked the teen who shrugs

Sans:"Nice guy. Just agreed to It"

Moka:"Well then what are we waiting for? Let's go!" She yelled before grabbing Sans’ hand and dragging him and Yukari doing the same to Papyrus as Kurumu soon follows after

Photography club:"Join us, Moka!" They were a bunch of creepy

???:"You wanna do nude photography?" One asked with a creepy voice as Sans immediately took Paps hand before walking away

Chemistry Club:"Join us!" They were once again a bunch of creepy dudes

???:"Let's make a love potion, Moka!"

Sans again dipped out of there with the others quickly following

Acupuncture Club:"Join us, Moka!" Once again, Creepy dudes but this time they look like mummies

Sans:"Nope!" He immediately left with the others leaving

Kurumu: "Seriously!? No actual good clubs!?"

Yukari:"I know right!?"

???:"Hello there" A voice said as they all turn to see a woman in a bikini

Tamae:"My name is Tamae, Leader of the swimming club. How about you all join us? She asked." Papyrus looked excited while Moka didn't

Papyrus:"A good club! Let's join!" He suggested

Sans:"No thanks" He said as they all turn to him

Papyrus:"Sans you lazy bones! Why are you turning down a perfectly good club!?"

Sans: "Swimming doesn't really suit me. It might be a splash for others but not me" He joked as this annoyed Papyrus

Sans: "Besides, There might be other clubs which we'll fit in swimmingly" He once again joked

Papyrus:"Sans! You and your stupid Puns!" He complained

Sans:"What? You're smiling"

Papyrus:"I know and I hate it"

Tamae:"So does that mean?"

Sans: "We're not joining. Have a nice day" He said before leaving as they all followed

Papyrus:"Why did you turn it down? Are you really that lazy to swim!?" He complained

Sans:"Nah, It's because Moka can't" He said as this surprises both Moka and Papyrus

Papyrus:"If that's the case then the great Papyrus will teach her!"

Sans: "Vampires can't touch water since it hurts them"

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