Supply closets and sweaty people

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'Moons are the worsttttt!' Gem muttered as we passed Lizzie and Joel picking the lock of a supply closet.

'Not all of them.' Katherine said absent-mindedly as she daydreamed.


'Oh- uh- BIRD!'

'WHERE?' Gem asked and as she turned around Katherine felt someone push her to the ground.

Gem turned back around to Katherine on the floor and Lizzie and Joel standing over them.

'You little motherfuckers have a spare teacher's lanyard don't you?' Lizzie snarled (sort of like a cat when Katherine thought about it).

'Uh- yeah and why do you need it?' Gem asked, folding her arms as Katherine got to her feet.

'To get into the supply closet, idiots.' She smirked, acompanied by an eyeroll.

Katherine and Gem locked eyes and Katherine began rumaging in her bag. This was something they'd do everytime, everytime creeps followed them home, everytime the principal caught them misbehaving, everytime the moons tried their intimidation.



Katherine threw a bag of mini cheddars at Lizzie's head, using this diversion to drag Gem down the science corridor, wheezing.

Lizzie groaned. She really needed those test answers.

'Mmm. These are suprisingly tasty.'


He shrugged.


'And then we're going to raid the supp-'

Shelby was daydreaming, something she found herself doing often in this repetitive paradox of school days. Her mind wandered over to Katherine, and then she scolded herself for even trying to touch that topic. 'Fucking stupid- cmon Shelby there's more problems than love-'

'Shelby are you listening?' Lizzie said grumpily. 'Cause we HAVE to break into that closet there is no way I am studying.'

'I- uh-' And suddenly it was hard to speak. Curse her stupid daydreamy mind. 'Y-Yeah I'll uhm... help with whatever.'

Lizzie clapped her hands together. 'Perfect. See you on Friday.'

What the fuck did she just agree to?

Shelby smirked as Scott ran into the coffee shop, panting. 'IM 'ERE!' He exclaimed, taking his apron off his hook.

'Great.' She said. 'You're like 25 minutes late. I didn't know the human body could make out with cod boys for that long.

'I DO NOT LIKE JIMMY!' He screeched.

Shelby rolled her eyes and began to take the orders.


Rugby. Arguably the gayest sport known to humans.

Her best friend, Katherine was currently practicing rugby with their school team, which didn't have many members of the empires group except this girl named False who Gem sometimes spoke to.

She was sitting on the sidelines, on one of those stadium-like seating areas, watching Katherine greet Shelby. Shelby Grace.

Gem audibly sighed. She'd many a time helped pack the rugby stuff away and had never seen a Moon here. 

The Imperiya high Girls Rugby under 16s (and 16s) team was run by a slightly older coach who was 18 with a part-time coaching job here. Her name was Scarlet Moon. 

Gem was 100% sure that wasn't her real name, but then again she was called Gemini so she thought that she shouldn't be one to judge.

She saw practice begin and got immersed in her book.


Just a short filler chapter :P

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