Chapter 12: [Preparations]

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Just a lil side note before you start reading but this galaxy is real and I find it quite interesting. 

If you want to look at more cool pictures of where I have decided to base this story the galaxy is called (NGC:1365) anyway hope you enjoy this chapter. ✨😊


After Velseir and Kesey ran over to their nest we stood there in stunned silence just staring at them. Velseir did not appreciate our gazes however and decided to throw something at us followed by a warning snarl. I turned to face khurah and tried to get an understanding on what those two were actually capable of. Ok so they can call for each other in specific ways and they have the knowledge to get in and out of places and use tools if they are taught. They're like nogi in their learning capabilities and I think that even if velseir couldn't speak our language he would eventually learn to get his point across without it.

"Hey Katorn. You, ok?" I hear my brother ask. He had been trying to get my attention, but I was too busy, lost in my thoughts.

"Yeah. I'm fine, just thinking. I never realized how smart they were. They always seemed like mischievous pets as if they've always lived in captivity while keeping their wild side." I responded voicing my thoughts aloud.

The more I observe them the more I realize the urgency of our visit to Irogana and the fact that it cannot be delayed. I am relieved that we will be landing within the cycle otherwise with all that's going on and the things that are yet to come I don't know how I'd get through this.

It wasn't long before a message was played on the ship's intercom signaling our decent into Luhtix-prime. Luhtix is the largest planet in its solar system holding 2 inhabitable moons. Being the 6th planet from its orbital star has brought a lot of challenges over the years as it is close to the asteroid belt on the outskirts of our system, and we've had to implement force barriers to deflect them. We would move to a planet closer to our star but with it being a class A2 we really don't have this option. Our star is a white star and with how hot it is our planet is almost always in a tropical state.

I worry for the two little ones as our nights can be very cold. What if they get out Kesey might be fine because of his fur but Velseir doesn't have any. I try to set these worries aside as we make our decent and try to get those two, ready for our departure from the ship. I debate putting a harness on them, but I'm scared of how these wild animals will react. I see Khurah out and go to collect the harnesses from a storage crate under my bed which remain from earlier fostering experiences.

I approach their nest harnesses in hand and kneel in front. I call out to them, and they pop out from under the pillows and blankets. It took a while for them to learn to respond to their names but now they do so without confusion. Velseir saw what I was holding and yipped at me. I held it out for him to see but he hid again. If he doesn't want the harness, then he'll have to go in the crate. I grabbed the crate to show him that instead but as soon as he saw it the most vicious snarl, I've ever heard from him was let loose. I instinctively backed up pulling the crate away with me.

The expression of hatred he was giving to the crate shocked me. I spoke to him again trying to draw his attention away from it and his expression changed from hate to hurt and he looked at me like I had betrayed him. It was then I realized why he was looking at me like that, the fletchers kept the taken animals in very similar crates. Kesey had a similar reaction when i first found him. I bent down to pick him up, but he backed away i tried gently calling for him and he came out reluctantly along with Kesey. I carefully placed the crate down along with the harness a little distance away from each other. The boys looked at me curiously as I sat between the two objects. I gestured to one then to the other wanting them to choose I don't want to have to force them into anything, but we cannot let them loose on a planet they have never been to. Kesey avoided the crate and came over to sniff the harness. He let me try and put it on but unfortunately it was too big. I know he hates the crate but what else is there? Velseir came over and the harness fit him but only in the smallest setting. He realized that the harness didn't fit Kesey and started growling at me covering Kesey shielding him from me.

He was yipping angrily at me but then he stopped and looked at the open box under my bed. He went over there for a moment and suddenly jumped into the box I heard rustling and then a red lead came flying out of the box along with a variety of collars. Velseir returns and picks up the collars he'd thrown before I could get angry and made his way over to Kesey laying them out in front of them. The two were chittering back and forth for a while and when they finished a brand new dark blue collar was attached to Kesey's neck.

Velseir had managed to not only find a solution but also get Kesey to wear the solution. Velseir then clipped a blue lead to Kesey's collar and led him over to me. I was handed Kesey's lead and after a long moment Velseir handed me something else.

A red collar was placed in my hand and velseir looked away nervously to stare at his feet.

"You want me to put it on you?" I asked, offering the now open collar to his neck.  


Sorry for the wait, my exams kept me from writing. 

Yes this is another delay on me publishing the introduction to the plannet im struggling to describe an alien world with enough detail that it captivates but not so much that people feel overwhelmed and loose interest. Balance is hard. 

i may make ammendments to this chapter

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