Chapter 7: [white coats]

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Katorns pov:

Even though I now had some clothing for the little being I still needed to find out what it was and where it had come from. I had collected samples of hair from both intending to run it through the database. I went to the research room of the ship carrying the two samples.

Upon arrival I was greeted by the chief scientist and head medical officer. I explained what was going on and how I had two unidentified creatures staying in my room and that one of them was injured. The two asked if I had a sample of their DNA's which I promptly handed them. They added the samples to the machine, and we all waited for the results eagerly.

The first one to show up was the little red one. It was from a class c planet like a few others that we had already rescued and had made haste to arrange transport to return them to their planet. I suppose this little one will be returned alongside them. Its species was called foxes. However, this one was a red fox, one of the forest dwelling fox's variants.

The other one's data had still not found a perfect match for what species it was. Though the closest matches were human, zedral and to everyone's surprise there were traces of norgash DNA in it too. The whole room fell silent as we processed what we had just seen, scrambling to find any reasonable explanation.

The furless creature had some of the same DNA as the norgash. How was this possible? Our species has never intermingled with other races due to the lack of compatibility, so how could a creature from a class c planet have a genetic resemblance to us? Its original state was that of a human but now, due to something that had happened on the cargo ship, it is different to the point of no longer being able to say its human.

I'm going to have to bring it here to be examined to discern how badly it was modified and which traits it has now acquired. I glance at the screen one last time before inquiring what its sex was. Both creatures are male.

When I got back to the room the first thing, I did was check on the little creatures. The fox was curled up in a ball next to the 'human?' There were tear stains on his cheeks as he slept curled up in a ball around his little companion. Carefully I lifted him out of the cot trying not to disturb his furry friend and slipped him into the clothes. The jumper fit him perfectly though the shorts were a little short they fit just as well.

Watching this little being sleep in my arms made me once again long for a nogi of my own. I had still not found a life mate unlike my brother and though I do enjoy my gravni's company I do want to settle down with a mate in a private residence.

The gravni I am part of was formed as I came of age, it is custom to move into a gravni quarters once you reach the age of 15 to prepare for adulthood at 18 a group of three is formed of those who have similar lifedays. We all live together until we turn 18 then we usually move in with our life mate that we find while living in our gravni.

My gravni brother Langrish has already found his life mate and is expected to move in with her after his aging ceremony. But Avranga hasn't found hers yet and she's feeling the same as me worried if we will find our mates in time for our aging ceremony.

The little one in my arms began to stir, I brushed the fur away from his eyes as they flickered open to meet mine. He let out a little yawn and did a little stretch exposing those large fangs that are usually hidden under his little pink lips.

There appeared to be yet another change in his appearance, his eyes that were once dark brown were now redder, how else the modifications made to him would affect him I didn't know. The urgency of the visit to our medical specialist only seemed more prominent the more I watched him.

I'll make sure to take him to Irogana as soon as we return to our home planet Namrinca. I don't know what he is becoming or if he will ever stabilize his situation must be seen as a top priority. 

well hello my dilligent readers sorry for the wait my laptop broke and had no way to access the story untill two days ago. this is my christmas present to you I hope you enjoyed. xxx 

Merry Christmas

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