Chapter 3 [Pain]

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Gideon's Pov:

I awoke much later to excruciating pain as my body felt like it was tearing itself apart. Hours on hours of screaming until I couldn’t scream anymore. The pain in my throat from tearing my vocal cords didn’t even compare to the feeling of my body rearranging itself. I passed out many times fading in and out of consciousness as days turned into weeks.

I wasn’t fed anything during the time I was hurting but by the looks of the various tubes and wires surrounding me, they were how I sustained myself. My hands are bound but I could still feel some residual pain in my mouth from whatever happened to me.

One of those creatures entered the room paying no attention to me as it began to search for something. I watched it quietly trying to figure out what it was doing. Once it had gotten what it wanted it turned around and stared me right in the face as it made quiet hissing sounds. They were almost inaudible but now I could hear everything. My senses had become heightened and now I could even hear the shift in the movements of its large body.

The creature approached me as I sat still restrained in the chair. I didn’t move as for some reason I didn’t fear it, at least not right now. It started to disconnect me from the monitors and tubes that I'd been hooked up to all this while. I waited for it to untie my limbs so that I could run as soon as I had gotten free.

Instead of being able to run I was grabbed and taken out of the room heading the direction of the cage room. I began to struggle against its hold resisting being taken to that cage once more. It gripped me tighter slightly crushing me I gasped and tried to scream but the only noise I could manage was a high pitched his and growl. I must have permanently damaged my vocal cords while blinded by the pain.
It hissed back and this time I noticed slight variations in its pitch when it did. It clicked and hissed at me until I finally stopped trying to fight my way from it. I slumped in defeat as I was carried away.

I didn’t want to go back to my cage even if it meant temporarily abandoning the only other living being I was able to interact with. I was thrown into my crate as soon as it was open, it was like the creature hated the idea of holding me as much as I hated it holding me.

The fall had probably broken a few ribs and all fight left my body as I had time to think of everything and how I'd gone wrong. I had been ignoring the pain in my mouth since I'd woken up. I reached up with my hand to feel what was wrong. There were two protrusions on both my upper and lower gumlines. The more I felt around my mouth, the faster I realized I now had fangs, large ones at that.

I sat there stunned as I came to terms with my new reality, I looked over to find little red but only to find it asleep. I wanted to call out to it and tell it what they’d done to me regardless of whether it could understand me.

But I couldn’t...

This is chapter 3.
If you want to know what's going to happen to Gideon then wait for the next chapter 👋😜

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