A Hell of a Demon

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🍋 Lemon content 🍋

Oh gosh, I don't know how we can top last chapter, how do you think Alaster?

Maybe if we could spill your and carnage all over this chapter, describe in gruesome detail your dismemberment? It would make the ctimes better in my opinion...

Oh come now, you know you'aof re enjoying it, in fact you were just asking me whenever I was going to produce the next chapter

I needed to know what day to be busy, you assume a lot of me

Well if you have such a problem you're not going to like this chapter

What do you mean by that?

Just read and be warned, this chapter will be a lemon of some sorts

I'd like to assume you're using the old term for lemon, describing this chapter as unsatisfactory, but with your newfangle terms, I can only assume it might not be anything good

Oh it's good, just read and see...

Chapter 3

(Y/N) pov-

Alaster: "Well isn't that unfortunate, maybe we'll just have to continue that~"

He said with such salaciousness in his voice, I couldn't help but melt with his words. His hand that he had propped himself up with slowly leans down to prop himself up on his elbow. He begins to kiss my neck, his lips were a lot softer than my dream, but still enough to stay firm. I bite down on my bottom lip to try and silence myself, a slight gulp can be heard. He could feel me holding back underneath his touch, and that did not like... He leans back up to look me dead in my eyes. I look down at him terrified, but in anticipation, not out of fear, fully. His smile is trying to waver into a frown, I can see the stitches appear again on the corner of his mouth, his eyes widen then come to a intense stare..

Alaster: " Do you know why I like the fact you signed a contract with me?"

(Y/n): " Why?"

Alaster: " I enjoy the feeling of owning you... brings the light to my day, especially a part of our clause in the contract, the main thing in my contract, you will not lie, you will not hold back, ythem will do everything with 100%, or there will be consequences."

(Y/n): " Y-yes I do remember that part."

His grin grows wider, he then leans down the whisper in my ear, in a low and husky tone, one that he uses whenever he's upset.

Alaster: " Then why are you trying to stifle your voice? You were to give 100%, that includes your moans, do not stifle your emotions around me especially. So now, we're going to do our best not to make a noise, since somebody doesn't want to speak up. If I hear you utter a word, make a noise of any type without my verbal permission. I will torture you til you're breaking point, and I wouldn't want to do that, I quite enjoy giving you pleasure. I love to hear every single word you say, noise you make, I wouldn't want to have to silent you, but since you don't want to talk..."

He leans in and nibbles on my bottom earlobe, I swallow any words I want to say.

Alaster: " Good girl, my dear~ Now stay silent until I say so, do you understand? You can say yes this one time."

(Y/n): " Y-yes~"

I say with a little bit of shake in my voice, he knew what he was doing to me, and I knew this wasn't going to be easy. Leaving my ear, and traveling down my neck, he begins to kiss softly, my irregular breathing patterns make it hard for him to go gently on me. He then begins to suck on my neck, I just know there's going to be a huge mark right there underneath my jawline. Immense waves of pleasure to roll over my body as I have to lie there emotionless and quiet. While inside my mind I am screaming, whimpering, gasping, begging, and he can't hear a single word. He wedges a knee in between my legs, he uses his knee's to hold him up, so that hand can go to work on the rest of me. It's like he's blind, and he's using his hand to paint a mental picture of every single curve on my body. His hand isn't shaky, it isn't too touchy, surprisingly respectful, But still shows assertiveness. I'm relishing his touch on my body, the warmth and heat. His hand traveled from the right side of my chest all the way down to my hips, his thumb slowly tracing circles right over my hip bone. I'm trying to stay still, but those slow circles are driving me insane. I'm very ticklish in that spot, and I think he knows by the way I'm wincing underneath his hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21 ⏰

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