Chapter 16

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Pan American World Airways

Ben is now studying Journalism in Columbia. He says that he wants to change the world by travelling to countries that are still fighting for their independence. Ben got his gusto from his father.

I still cannot believe that I was able to raise an intelligent and emotionally mature young man.

Ben knows of my secret and he believes it because he said that there is no reason for me to tell him something that it is not true.

Now, that explorative side of him is something that he did not inherit from any of us as his parents.

Aldie and I are very reluctant accepting instantly the ideas of other people but I am willing to be more accommodating to topics that are very far fetched from what I am accustomed to as a young German woman who survived the war.

I no longer have any communication with my other family.

During the burial of my parents, the twins have noticed that I did not age. Their face looks more matured. They are wondering where I am buying my beauty product in order to stay looking youthful. I bluffed and told them of a random popular cosmetic product.

Maybe it is for the best that my family is away from me as not to be involved with me. For them to have an average life. All I did while being with them was to attract problems.

Pan Am have a new stewardess on their latest magazine. She has a brunette hair and big brown eyes. Her nose is a bit crooked and she looks smaller as compared to the average height of stewardess that I have seen. It is not a bad thing to have her on their latest magazine. Honestly, she can inspire other women to stay away from stereotypical standards.

The beauty standards throughout history across the world has been such a bothersome issue for me as a woman. I see young women refusing to eat to stay thin. When I was their age, there were times that food supply was scarce making my weight fluctuate. As a mother and as a woman it is very disheartening to see women who refuse to have proper nutrition.

"Help, is there a doctor on board? There has been a medical emergency!"

A stewardess' who is wearing a light blue uniform with a cap rushes to one of the passengers who has fainted. The stewardess tries to wake up the passenger.

I hurried to the passenger and removed my gloves in order to assist her properly. Women now a days are scared of removing their gloves in public because it is a sign of rebellion. If only they had any idea of what true rebellion is during the late war.

She seems unconscious lying on the blue carpet. Her clothes look baggy covering her thin body frame. I wake her up by letting her sip some water. She must have been exhausted travelling under a hot temperature. The fallen passenger looks so peaceful creating curiosity in mind about her identity.

"Amber Jean, young lady you have to wake up this instant. We can't afford to lose daylight." An elderly woman whispers in her ears.

I cannot believe that she just said that to a comatose patient!

"I think it will be for the best if she will rest for the mean time for her body to recover fully." I insist.

People are always hurrying to get to their destination without minding their own neighbor. I presume that she is assisting Jean Williams for a business meeting based on their exquisite attires.

I guess my cold heart is starting to have its own sound after several decades of being exposed to different people.

I refuse to attend too much social gatherings because of my secret. I also have to keep living in different countries every decade. My heart cannot handle to say goodbye to anyone. Living away from my family planted a root of sadness that I have to always bring with me.

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