Chapter 10

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Nauru Island

I am soaking wet the moment I reached school. Aleki offers me his handkerchief which I used to wipe my hair.

"You could have not chosen to go to school if the weather is not good. I could have attended class on your behalf." He says.

I am not naïve. I know that he likes me. It is evident, his eyes dilate and his voice sounds lower when he talks to me as compared to his natural voice which he uses in talking with others.

Besides, I do not want to stay at home and miss several lectures. I have a very unique way of taking down notes and I do not wish to be always seeking for the assistance of Aleki. I will be a sophomore medical student and he will be graduating next semester.

By depending on him, I will feel handicapped who cannot excel without him.

My life as a medical student could be considered very monotonous. I do not have any friends nor do I have the time to be attending outside formal events that are related to class.

Being the mother of Ben is enough motivation for me to work and study harder instead of seeking leisure just like my classmates.

"How is Ben?" Aleki asks suddenly.

"Ever and Esme are taking care of him. Ben just started walking a while ago. Why do you ask?"

"Listen Cornelia, I have always admired your intellect and your strength but don't you think that now is the time for Ben to have a father figure? Someone that he can look up to."

My chest feels tighter upon hearing those words. It has been less than a decade since the death of Aldie. He is a very prideful man but I never thought that he will be taking his own life because of a defeated principle.

I still look up at the stars every night wishing that Aldie will meet me under the same tree where we used to play at when we were young.

It is also the same tree where we had our first kiss and where we had our first dance together. He also confessed to me about his love under the same tree and when my parents did not approve of him because of his beliefs, we made a vow that we will always be there for each other no matter what.

I drop my books as I remember how cruel life was when it took away Aldie's light.

"I am not expecting you to love me romantically Cornelia. I am willing to wait for you. What I am trying to say is that, I want to take care of you and Ben. As your best friend. I am aware that I will never be a man compared to the father of Ben." Aleki says as he tries to convince me that it will be very advantageous if he will be a part of our lives.

There is sincerity and humility in the eyes of Aleki that Aldie never gave me. Aleki pleads while Aldie promises. Aleki is very friendly while Aldie is very quiet. These comparisons are difficult to ignore. Aleki is right, Ben needs to have a father figure in his life. As Ben's mother, I wish that I could be everything to him but there are just things that I cannot do on my own.

"I am not a coldblooded man like the father of Ben." Aleki boldly says.

I automatically slap him on the face. "How dare you talk about him in such a vulgar manner!" I say as tears stream down my face.

"You have no right to judge a man who you never have met!"

"I don't have to. Your eyes never lie Cornelia. I can see extreme sadness in your eyes. Has he truly loved you? Look at me in the eyes and tell me that Aldie never betrayed you." Aleki says.

I was about to push him away when Aleki embraces me and made me quiet by kissing me on the lips at the hallway where anyone can see and I will not be ashamed of kissing him back. 

Cornelia RoseWhere stories live. Discover now