Chapter 2

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Kim Namjoon

"Sorry, it took that long," I say as I return to Nicole. "No worries. So let's go?"

"Yeah, let's go," I smile. "Where to Namjoon?" She asks as she pulls her books closer to her chest."Don't you wanna drop that off first?" I ask, eyeing her books. "Oh, right. Yeah. Can we make a quick stop at my dorm?" She asks sheepishly, smiling. "Sure. That's if you trust me enough to show me where you live. " she laughs, the sound making my heart slightly flutter. "Of course not. Come on. " She smiles and starts leading me along.

We arrive at the female dorms, and she opens the door. "Nicole, you're ba-oh....and who is this handsome thing?" A girl with blonde hair appears in the doorway, eyeing me up and down. "Kim Namjoon. Nicole's friend," I smile, and she lifts a brow at Nicole. "Jisoo, stop it," Nicole grumbles, making her laugh. "Sorry, sis. Hi. I'm Jisoo, Nicole's sister." She smiles. I was slightly taken aback. There was no resemblance aside from their impossibly green eyes.

Nicole must have dropped her books off in her room because the next moment, she was dragging me away by my arm. "Your sister seems nice." I smile. "We're not really related..." she mumbles. "Oh?" I ask, confused. "Long story." She sheepishly smiles, and I laugh. "Well, we have all day Nicole. I'd be happy to hear about your family. "

I see a blush form on her cheeks, and I internally smirked. I always had that effect on women. "Fine then!" She giggles, and she leads me into the café near the campus.  I hadn't realized she was still holding onto my hand until we stopped.

I feel my ears become heated, and I clear my throat. Nicole looks at me with a confused look before she realizes she's still holding only my hand. She lets go and mutters out a soft. Sorry.

We order our coffees and sit at a small table near the window.
"So?" I look at her, raking a sip of my coffee. "Right. So I'm from New York but as you already know, I moved here with my aunts and uncles. Jisoo isn't really my sister. Well, she is, but not by blood. I was adopted when I was 3, and yeah, "

My eyes widen in surprise. "So the green eyes are just a coincidence?"

Nicole nods her head. "The women in my family have green eyes, my uncles and dad have blue eyes."
I nod my head, genuinely intrigued. "That's quite fascinating."

"Anyway, enough about me, tell me about you." She smiles, taking a sip of her coffee.

"Ahh well, I grew up here. Not really much to tell... just your normal typical guy, " I shrug, taking another sip of my coffee.

"There has to be something," She whined, making me laugh. "Nope, not really. I like music if that counts?"

"Oh yeah, totally. So you make music?" She asks

"I do, but I haven't released anything yet. I'm focusing on my studies for the moment, "

Nicole nods and smiles. "And what do you study?"
"I'm majoring in Buisness"

Nicole opens her mouth in amazement "You must be super smart then!"

I laugh, both at her statement and the adorable look on her face. "You could say that. What about you?"

She smiles. "Fashion designing." I nod. "So you want to become a fashion designer?" She nods, smiling brightly. "Yeah. Ever since I was little, I've always made clothes. My dad's mother taught me how to sew and knit, and I've just fallen in love with it since then, "

I smiled at her, loving the smile on her face as she spoke about her passion for making clothes. "One day, I'm gonna become a popular branding line of clothes, and I'm gonna make Nana proud," Nicole said confidently.

"I'm sure she'll -" My words were cut off by Nicole's phone ringing. "Oh, you mind if I.." she trails off. "Sure, go ahead." With that,  Nicole stood up and walked outside to answer her phone call.

A ding from my phone startled me, and I checked to see what it was


So how's your date going?

It's not a date.
Just a hangout.
She seems nice.

Namjoon, the only reason you'd want to go out on a date with a girl is to get laid.
So I'll ask again, how's the date going.

True, but this isn't a date. She seems nice and all, but to be honest, she's quite basic.
It's not my type, but she does seem nice.

That's the second time you've said, "She seems nice."
What are you? 3? Do you have a crush already?

Fuck off it's not like that. I gotta go. She's coming back.

Enjoy the rest of your date Nyamjewnie

🖕 shove it up your ass

Nicole rushes over with a look I can't quite describe. "I'm sorry Namjoon. Something came up and I need to go. Do you mind if we finish this another time?"

Concern fills my face "Yea sure..but is everything alright? You seem a bit pale?" She only nods and gives a quick smile. "Yes. See you later Namjoon"

"Bye," I wave at her before I see her walking away, her small figure becoming smaller and smaller until finally, she turns at a corner, and with that, she's out of My view.

I slightly frown, remembering the look on her face. I quickly shake my head to rid myself of an unknown feeling deep within me and make my way back to my apartment.

The rest of that day went by quite slowly and I was startled by my doorbell ringing. Begrudgingly, I stand up from my comfortable position on the couch and make my way over to the door to see Yoongi and Hoseok. "Oh...Hobi hyung welcome back"

I felt a whack on the side of my head, a pouting Yoongi looking off into the distance "Hello to you fucking brat" I laugh "hi hyung. Come in" I step aside but the two remain in their spots. "Uh.." I furrow my brows in confusion. "If this is about something that's broken, I probably broke it?" I said, but it came out as a question.

Yoongi and Hoseok laughed and shook their heads. "Nah nothings broken yet. We came to get you" Yoongi spoke, slightly bouncing on the pads of his heels. "And where exactly are we going?" My brow raises in a questioning manner. "The forest on the outskirts of Seoul. Apparently, there's a cool abandoned house so we wanna check it out-"

"Correction, he wants to check it out. I'm just tagging along cuz he's my boyfriend" Hoseok corrected Yoongi, which made the said male huff.

I blink "You're dragging me along? Why?" Yoongi shrugged "Cuz it's been a while since we all hung out together. Cmon. Unless you're occupied and that girl is over"
"What girl?" Hoseok piped in
"No one, and there is no girl" I roll my eyes.
"Oooff did Nyamjewnie get rejected?" Yoongi teased, elbowing my arm. "No, she had an emergency and had to go, and even if she didn't, nothing was going to happen! I bumped into her by accident and offered coffee as a sorry"

Hoseok and Yoongi exchange glances "That's it?" They both ask and I groan "Yes"
"Anyway, are you gonna come or are you gonna be a pussy and stay?" Yoongi asked, getting quite impatient.

I groan and turn to get a coat and slip on some shoes. "Peer pressure" I mutter under my breath before stepping out of my apartment and locking the door. "Where to Dora"

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