Diagnosing Attraction. Part 16

Start from the beginning

"What's his sister like?" She asked with raised eyebrows, whilst leaning forward and folding her arms on the counter.

"She seems really nice, I only got chatting to her for an hour while we were at lunch and it was more about them two catching up. But she seems nice enough," I really would like to get to know more about her, before she goes back to Uni next week.

"Are you going to see each other again before she leaves?"

"Probably, I'm not seeing Harrison until Tuesday, so it'll be Wednesday or Thursday if I do. Harrison wants us to get to know each other a bit more," I told Harrison that I'd like to meet her again.

"What are you doing on Tuesday?" She really was far too nosy for her own good, but I know I did the same when she first started dating Dan.

"I'm going over to his house for dinner," I'm still pretty nervous to go to his place for dinner. Part of me just sees it as having dinner with him like I've done before, but another part reminds me that this is his house.

"That'll be fun," she smirked and nodded at me slightly, telling me she knew that I was nervous about it.

"I'm sure it will be," I know I'll have fun with him, I'll just need to get over my nerves pretty soon. "Anyway, do you need a hand with anything?" I didn't really want to worry about it any more and the reason I came over early was to help her get ready for tonight.


When I parked up outside Harrison's house, I wasn't entirely confident that I had the right house and I was outside some stranger's house. I don't know what I was expecting, but what was in front of me, certainly wasn't what I imagine. It was on the outskirts of the town and about half an hour from the city centre, in a cul-de-sac with five other houses, which weren't right beside each other and were well spaced out. Dani and I live pretty close to the city centre, about fifteen minutes away, so I was used to having lots of houses around mine and I found it strange there were only six houses within this cul-de-sac. And from the looks from the front, it looks like there is nothing behind his house either.

I took a deep breath and turned the car off, before picking up my back and getting out. I live in an area where all the houses are quite small and attached to other houses, so it was slightly daunting to walk up to a house that pretty big and standing on its own. It was a two storey red brick house, but you could easily fit two of my house inside. I admired it as I made my way to the front door, in awe in how beautiful the house was and I wasn't even inside yet.

As I stopped at the front door and raised my hand to ring the doorbell, the front door opened. "Oh," Amber looked up at me startled, before smiling at me. "Hey Amy, I was just on my way out, so you don't have to worry about me. Come on in," she laughed and stepped back into the house. "Amy is here Harry," she shouted out through the house to her brother.

"Are you going anywhere nice tonight?" I asked her as I walked into the house, quickly realising the inside of the house was just as beautiful as the outside.

"I'm just going out to dinner with some friends I haven't seen since we all went to Uni," she said with a smile. "Well I'll let you guys enjoy your dinner, I might catch you before you go home," she said as Harrison walked into the hall.

"Have fun with your friends," I smiled at her, before she left the house and shut the door behind her.

I turned to Harrison and smiled, "hey," I really did feel like I haven't seen him in a while. It was nearly a week, but that's hardly a long time, but we did use to see each other every day a couple of weeks ago.

"Are you alright?" He asked and gestured for me to follow me, which I did and tried to take in as much as the house as I could.

"Yeah I'm good," I nodded to myself and we walked down the hallway. "You?" I asked him and we turned the corner, which he appeared from, before we were inside the kitchen.

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