only he cares about you pt 3 final {Ghost}

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This time, Simon did let you fall.

He let go of your waist, dropping you to the ground a few feet away from him as he pulled out his own gun, putting a bullet into the police officer.

The cop dropped.
The others didn't have enough time to even react as bullet after bullet were shot at them. The police tried to fire back, but Simon was just quicker.

Good. You were safe. He'll get you somewhere safe, somewhere you can both be—

He heard your feet scraping the floor. He turned back, his eyes widening as you were already scrambling up to your feet for all you were worth.

This was your chance.
A chance to escape his obsessive grasp.

With what little strength you had left, you bolted down the hall, out the doorway of the house.

"No, no, no! Y/n! Don't you fucking leave me!"

But before he could run after you, another cop popped out of the corner near the doorway. He pointed his gun and fired, anger evident.

You were out of his control, the police were after him. He shot another cop and again for good measure before running after you, not wasting a second.

"Y/n!" He spotted you across the lawn and started to run, your name on his lips again.


You ran like the life of your life depended on it. And it did.
Simon knew that.
You knew that.

You needed to get away, to leave him, to go out into the big, scary world and finally have a sense of freedom after your accident.

But that wasn't going to happen.

He wasn't going to let you get away from him. He would never let you get away from him.

You stumbled into the nearby woods, the cloudy sky covering the moon, not giving you enough light to see where you were even going.

Yet you didn't stop.
You kept running.
Running and running as fast as your weak legs could take you.

Yet Simon wasn't going to give up on you this easily. He knew every nook and cranny of these woods. How could he not?
These woods were his territory.
And you were going to stay in his territory.

"Come on, love! Let's stop and think this over rationally!"

He couldn't help the smile etching onto his face. When was the last time he ever had this much fun? A chase that was all the while worth it?

"Y/n, darling! It's safer with me, you know that!"

Your panting breath, the crunch of your feet on the leaves and grass, the quiet of the woods made you all the more easy to follow.

The game was on.

Simon's obsession kicked into full-bore as he tracked you through the woods.
He didn't bother to think about the police that may be following after him.

He would deal with them later, but first, he had to deal with you.

He couldn't let you slip away from him, not after everything he had done for you.
Even if it really was in a twisted way, he still protected you, took care of you.

And with that thought, Simon just grinned as he chased you further into the woods.

"I'll find you, love. I will."

A tree.
It was big enough to hide behind.

You didn't have the time to think as you hid behind it, crouching down as you tried to catch your breath.

He heard your breaths, your muffled little whimpers no matter how hard you tired to silence yourself.

You were hiding?
At least you were making this somewhat interesting.

"Y/n, come out, love. I won't hurt you. You know me, I care about you, yeah?"

He was still smiling, the hunt now more enjoyable than ever. He was going to find you, and when he did, well, who knew.

It went silent for a moment.
You held your breath. Should you peek?
No. Yes.
You did.

Simon was there.
His eyes wild, the smile he would only dare bare when he had you under his control.

"There she is."

You could be afraid, but why would you? He only did this because he wanted you to be by his side. He cared for you, so it didn't matter what lengths he had to do to keep you here.

He was only protecting you.

"Be a good girl and get your ass over here." He chuckled as he beckoned you over, the gun he used to kill those cops evident in his hand.

You obliged.
How could you not?
He had a gun in his hands, y/n.

As you made your way over to him, he grabbed the back of your wrist, roughly, forcing you to your knees in front of him.

It was then that he pressed his gun against the back of your head, his breath heavy on your neck.

"Why'd you run away from me? Hm?" He said in mock sadness, as if he was actually hurt by your actions.

"I—I'm sorry, Simon, really!" One pull of the trigger and your brain would stain the dirt below you. "...I was scared—you were shooting, the police officers—"

"What, the coppers scared you?" He chuckled at that. "I was doing you a bloody favor."

His voice was mocking. He was acting hurt that you ran away from him. Even if it was for a split second, he was angry that you even attempted to leave.

"Did you want to escape from me that badly? Now how fucked up is that?"

"No!" The words left your lips quicker than you had hoped.

He could tell you were scared.
He could tell how badly you wanted to leave him.

"Do you think you can just, what, run away from me like that? When I went through so much trouble to protect you?"

But he would never let you leave him.

"Don't you understand?" A sweet smile on his lips before anger overcame him. "I do everything for you. Everything. It's because I care. I really care about you, y/n, you should know that by now."

There it was, the anger, the rage that he so often repressed.
All for you.
The person he cared about, loved, obsessed with.

This was his twisted love, this was what he did to protect you.
For Simon, he truly believed everything he did for you was with the best of intentions.

It didn't make him any less dangerous, less controlling, less psychotic... but it made him yours and you his.

You were always going to be his.
He would be the only one that cared for you.
Only him.

"Let's go home, y/n."

𝘒ö𝘯𝘪𝘨 / 𝘎𝘩𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘹 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now