forbidden love pt 1 {König}

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Your wings were small, but they were there. When you spoke, your voice sounded like pure music.

"Do you think you can bring me some books? It's awfully boring when you leave me all alone, König."

It was the most extraordinary thing he had ever heard.

König didn't even know how you managed to fall onto this ragged earth. Into Kortac's military base of all places.

You were tattered and bruised, your wings broken, bleeding from gashes.
His was placed as your caretaker, to help you heal, to teach you the human language.

It wasn't long before you healed.
The bruise on your forehead faded.
The cuts and scrapes on you arms, legs and back were sealed up.

But your wings were still slowly mending themselves over the days.

"Of course, liebe. Anything you want, I'll bring it."

Your voice so soft, so soothing. Your hair fluttered over your shoulders as you tilted your head at him.


He was a man of few things, a soldier, a killer.
You were kind and gentle.
You seemed to understand him in a way no one ever had before.

"Of course."

He looked across the table at you, at your gentle smile, your sparkling eyes. He knew it was stupid. He knew he was breaking every rule and regulation.

He fell madly in love with you.
But he wasn't allowed to fall in love.
Especially with you.

You belonged to the higher ups, to the government.
A unique specimen to them.
Something they deemed worthy of stashing away from the world.
Something to research about.

But you weren't 'something'.
You were a living being.

"Maybe that dark liquid you Can you bring that too?"

Your voice was as calming as the steady hum of a purring cat.
Your wings outstretched as they rested against the chair. They had almost fully healed.

"Anything you want, schatz."

He was a soldier, used to hard training and a harsh discipline, but with you, he was gentle and loving. Only to you.

On, how he so desperately wanted to tell you everything.

He wanted to tell you how he spent every night dreaming of you, how he woke up every morning thinking about your wings, your eyes, your smile.

He wanted to tell you that he had never known love like this.

But he couldn't.

Would the higher ups punish him for breaking protocol? Would they take you away from him?

"When can I go outside?"

A question you always asked him.

He paused, his hand hovering his cup.

"It shouldn't be too long. I promise, you'll be able to stretch your wings soon, y/n."

He hated lying to you. He didn't know when you could even leave this base. You weren't his to love.

"You really mean it? Thank you!"

Your smile pulled back wide as you jumped up to hug him, your wings fluttering around the two of you.

Oh, how he wanted to pull you close as you hugged him. How he wanted to never let go.

He wanted to wrap those wings around both of you tighter. He wanted the two of you to soar, high above the clouds, away from this world.

But he was a soldier.
And you were a prisoner.

And you were forbidden from loving each other.

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