kneel pt 2 {Ghost}

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That same crooked smile still on his face as Simon's eyes took you in as he took in every inch of your body as he leaned against the doorway to your room.

"Bloody hell, love."

His breath caught at the sight of you, his eyes still on your body as he leaned against you and spoke, his voice low, his smile crooked, and his eyes kept lingering lower.

"To say you look beautiful would be quiet the understatement, darling."

You raised an eyebrow at him, a smile on your lips as you pulled him inside.

"You deserve to see something pleasing to the eyes for all your hard work out there, no?"

A simple nightgown dressed your body, revealing only enough to have Simon's gears turning at the thought of what laid under.

"Damn right I do."

Your words drew a smile to his lips as he took in the sight of you, his eyes flickering up and down your body, almost greedily.

"Is it working?"

"I'd say it's working bloody well."


The door shut behind him as you seated him onto your bed, your room as plain as it would get for a woman working in the military.

"You didn't answer me back there." He murmured, his fingers tugging at your nightgown almost aimlessly as he sat down.

"Answer what?"

He looked down at you as your own fingers began to play with his dog tags. Your touch was light and soft, your fingers running over the familiar, cold metal.

Simon could only imagine how your fingers would feel touching his body again.

"You missed me, didn't you?" He chuckled.

His fingers wrapped around your thighs, his grip tightening ever so slightly as his nails dug into the soft flesh of your skin.

"Of course I did."

"Care to prove it for me?" The smile on his face never died as his head tilted to the side slightly.

"And how should I do that?"

Simon looked down at you, those few inches of height between you two making his presence tower over you. "I'm sure you'll think of something. You're a smart woman."

"I already have." An innocent smile etched onto your face as you held out your hand. "Hands."

His eyebrows raised as he glanced at your hand, yet that smile still sat.

He knew the drill.
As soon as he stepped through your door, Simon forfeited himself to you.

"Of course, darling." His hands stretched out as he held them before you as his eyes roamed over you again, the feeling to touch you gnawing at him as he obeyed.

You held a certain power over him.
Was it your body?
Your smile?

God, he didn't know.
Perhaps it was the way you made him feel vulnerable as you used him to your whim.

"You know the rules, yes?" You asked him as you handcuffed his hands.

The cuffs locking around his wrists, the touch of the cold metal against his skin made his breath catch, his body shiver involuntarily.

"Course I do."

That same feeling of your fingers on him sent a thrill through his body, one that he had felt so many times before.

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