mafia au pt 1 {Ghost}

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She kept coming back.
Over and over.
Each time seeming more broken than the last.
It wasn't long before I began to crave her.

If you were to ask me how it happened, I couldn't give you a straight answer.
But I always looked forward to seeing her again.

Seeing her cry.
Taking her apart.
Bringing back a fragment of her boring self each time she came running to my arms.

In a way, it was the way life went.
For her. For me. For us.
The weak depended on the strong.
The strong abused their power.
The bad committed bad things.

People become the thing they swore they'd never be. The good become the bad.
And me? Always had and always will be the bad guy.


She stood there at my doorsteps, a few of my own men standing beside her as she struggled to find her words.

Fucking hell.

She looked as though she had just finished running a hundred mile marathon, which was a rarity for someone like her, a fucking rarity in fact, considering she didn't even know how to run.

Didn't know how to run away from the shitty men in her life.

This woman would be the downfall of my empire, I know.
Everything I work hard for will be gone.
All those people I killed. The lengths I went to get myself to where I am today would all go to waste as I let myself, bit by bit, be weakened by her.

Like a moth to a flame, I was drawn in by her warmth, her neediness, her helplessness.
I had become addicted to the feeling I got every time I saw her cry, laugh, or smile.

I think part of me wanted her to be the one that would destroy me in the end because I knew I was beyond saving.

"Back so soon?" I lit a cigarette and let it dangle from my lips as I stood in front of her.

She could only nod at me as she chewed the inside of her cheek, a habit of hers I learned over the countless times she spent with me.

Her teariness was like a balm to the heart because it signaled her willingness, her desperation that I, Simon 'Ghost' Riley, was her only savior in this cruel world.

And holy hell, I craved that feeling more than I craved anything else in my life.
The drugs couldn't compare to what she did to me.

I leaned in real close to her and she couldn't help but smell the cigarette in my mouth as she turned her head away.

She hated when I smoked. Said it would ruin her lungs. Didn't bother to argue to me how they could ruin my own. The girl tended to put herself first, what could I say.

"Come on, love. Words. You're a bloody adult, so put that pretty of yours to work, yeah? What the fuck happened?"

Her eyes welled with small tears as she sniffled. She took a long inhale and opened her mouth, letting air rush across those pretty pale pink lips of hers.


I should just kiss the crap out of her.
Call it a day. Not like she's going anywhere anyways.

"Just tell me what happened, y/n. No more pussyfooting."

Her eyes fell back to the me, her jaw clenching as she did so. "I need your help...please."

God yes.
Now that was the stuff.
She even said please.

I let out a laugh as I inhaled from the cigarette.
What kind of trouble did she get herself into this time?

"My help?" I smiled at her.

"Yes, your help."

"Don't tell me you killed somebody?"

That last sentence caught her mouth, stopping her in the middle of a whimper.
I had to suppress another laugh as I noticed her eyes widen, her cheek chewing slowing to a halt.

She looked me straight in the eye, an action that I only ever saw when she was furious or on the brink of emotional breakdown.

"Don't you dare laugh, you bastard."

So she was furious.
I can handle that.

I snorted in laughter, grabbing her arm as I pulled her into the house leaving my men to stand guard.

"Im not laughing."

"You are." She shot me a menacing glare as I led her inside.

"Bloody shame then that I laughed."

It wasn't the first time she ever dared to give me the stare. The look on her face was both a reminder of our positions in life and the reason I could never bring myself to truly hate her.


I let my cigarette dangle from my lips as the smell of tobacco wafted in the air, her face being forced to inhale the smoke.

"Come on. Tell me what happened. You come crying at my door, nearly scaring my men shitless with your bawling."
I crouched down to meet her height.
"And don't leave anything out. Or I'll just have to force it out of ya."

She bit her lip with that defiant expression she always managed to have that pretty mouth look so fucking kissable.

"Force it out of me? How...?"

"Oh, I don't know. Some water boarding, maybe cut you up, bit by bit till your bloo—"

"Okay, okay! Stop it!"

Dare I mention this woman was the only one who knew how to manipulate me, every move, every look, every fucking tear, it was all carefully, meticulously crafted to creep its way into my heart.
I didn't care.

I was addicted to her like she was addicted to me.

She was the only person who could truly own my heart, the only one who could destroy it.

I smiled, my eyes never leaving hers for a second as I leaned in and let my hands find her wrists.

"Then tell me what happened, doll." I caressed her hands with my fingers, rubbing them slowly, warmly, before curling my fingers around her wrists.


God, that's right, my sweet sweet girl.
Tell me what happened.
Let me fix it.
I'll do it.
I don't care.

I'll be whatever you want, do whatever you want me to do. You're mine.

"Good. Now tell me what happened, love."

And I'm yours.

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