kneel pt 1 {Ghost}

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One puff.
Slow inhale. Exhale.

Two puffs.
Slow inhale. Exhale.

An action Simon repeated as he took a deep enough drag off the cigarette, his lips wrapping around the filter as he spotted you.



"Figured I'd find you here."

Another two puffs as he inhaled deeper.
His eyes caught yours in a stare as the cigarette moved slightly in his mouth as he chuckled.

"A miss-know-it-all, eh?" His voice a murmur as he sucked in a deep breath, the familiar high reaching him again. "How'd you know where to find me?"

"Common sense, actually." You smiled. "You tend to disappear after a mission for an hour or two."

Your eyes flickered to his lips, only to be drawn away quickly. "That, and the fact you smell like cigarettes every time." You added.

The small action was small yet enough for him to notice.

A small smirk spread on his face, the cigarette still at his mouth. His eyes met yours for a moment, and you could have sworn you saw his pupils dilate, ever so barely.

"That so? Seems like you've been keeping tabs on me now."

Simon's voice a mumble through the cigarette, his eyes moved to yours, a long, lingering look that caused you to swallow.

He took another drag, his lips moving around the cigarette as you wondered how it would feel to kiss them.

Were they rough?
God, how badly you wanted to know.

"It's my job, is it not? To observe the men on the task force if they are still fit to partake in the next mission."

Against your own will, your eyes drifted to his mouth, the way his lips wrapped around the cigarette.

It would feel good.
His lips on yours.
Devouring you greedily.

"Is it now?" He mused, his smirk a little cocky as Simon took another deep hit. His own eyes never left yours as you noted how they were slightly dark from his lack of sleep.

"Am I then unfit to complete the next mission then, ma'am?" He asked, his voice mockingly.

"I wouldn't know. I didn't do my evaluations on anyone yet." Your voice as mocking as his.

"You didn't do your evaluation." Simon repeated. "Do tell why you came here then?" He threw the butt of his cigarette away, leaning an inch or two closer to you as he stood up straight.

"Soap wouldn't shut up about his explosives. Figured I'd come here since it was quiet." The lie falling flawlessly off your tongue as you smiled.

If only Simon was fooled that easily though.

He smiled back, that same cocky half-smile that looked good on him, his cheeks just barely pink as the smile spread on his face.

"Cut the bullshit with me, y/n. I may be brawn, but I do have a bloody brain." His eyes catching yours as he leaned closer. "You missed me, didn't you?"

"And a terribly high ego." You snorted in response as you shook your head.

Simon laughed, a low, guttural sound as he shook his head. "Because you're always looking up at me."

"Because you're too tall."

He laughed, your insult rolling off of him.
His smile still spread on his face as he looked down at you, leaning closer so his lips were level with your eyes.

"What would you like me to do then? Get down on my knees for you?"

"You wouldn't."

He brought his lips down to within inches of yours, his breath hot against your lips as he whispered. "I'd do it only to please you, darling."

"Then kneel."

Simon let his breath escape through his nose as he chuckled. "As the woman says."

His knees brought down onto the ground beneath him, his gloved hands resting on his thighs. Simon was tall, his head still above yours as he knelt before you.

"You seem to be staring too much now, love. Enjoying the view?"

"Who wouldn't be? It's a damn shame I don't have a camera on me."

Your smile evident as you fingers reached up to trace his jaw, his mask still resting on his nose as his lips parted slightly at your actions.

That crooked smile still at the edges of his lips as he felt your fingers explore his face, his lips barely parted.

"A camera? I take it you'd like a picture of me."

"Of course. It's not everyday Simon Riley kneels before a woman so obediently."

You finger grazed his bottom lip as he took your finger into his mouth and kissed it.

"A cheeky doll you are." He murmured, his lips suckling your finger. "A sly one at that."

"And you love me for that."

"Bloody right." He chuckled, his eyes noticing a grin creep onto your lips. "I know that look, y/n. Just what are you thinking about now?"

"I was thinking I should call the team over, have them see you on your knees. They wouldn't let you hear the end of it, now would they?"

You're breathed hitched as his tongue swirled around your finger, causing a small sound to leave your lips.

"Let them." He spoke against your finger. That crooked smile still on his lips, his head slightly cocked to the side as he worked his lips against your finger.

"Besides," Simon paused as he pulled away, his face now leaning close to yours. "I imagine they would be jealous and call me every name in the book, except for the one name that I'll be calling you tonight."

"And what's that?"

His face terribly close to yours as you smelt the cigarette linger on him, his hands resting on your hips, his touch firm yet gentle.

His grin spread across his face, his eyes flicking just so, to let you know that he was serious.

Simon's voice was low as he spoke, just above a whisper as his hands wrapped around your hips, the rough material of his gear grazing against your skin.

"My good girl."

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