bed ridden with a fever pt 3 final {Ghost}

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Ghost managed to keep his eyes on you for a brief moment as you parachuted towards the desert floor, his heart racing as he watched you in the cold desert air.

He had a thousand ways he wanted to tell you how he felt, and a million more reasons he shouldn't.

He wanted to pull you from the sky and make a run for it right then. He wanted to make a whole world of you and him and no one else.

After the mission.
He would do it.

Leave it all behind.
Start fresh.
No more killing.

He would say it.

'I love you.'

Those three little words he was so afraid to say.
He would do it.

"141 has landed. Going dark."

The voice a mere hush as he spoke into his radio.
Total darkness.

Everyone's parachute long forgotten as they shed it off, their rifles at the ready.

"Y/n? Bloody hell, where are you?" He desperately whispered.

He moved at a crouch, taking each step carefully as his eyes struggled to adjust to the darkness.

There was no response on your end. Silence.

He couldn't find you. The mere thought of it made his hands shake.

"Fucking hell, I told her to stick to my ass."

With his rifle slung at the ready and his boots silent on the desert floor, he moved out. His eyes searching and his mind racing with thoughts of you.

You were just a few feet ahead of him.
A few other soldiers by your side as the group continued on.

You moved through the darkness, rifles up and ready.
You heard noises in the distance.
A low murmur of voices from your team.
Voices of the enemy.
Both were mixed together as the air grew still and the tension climbed.

You couldn't see anything in the darkness, which made you more reliant on your other senses.

The sounds became crisper.
The smells became bolder.

Your eyes were on alert, but they could only do so much.

The darkness could hide anything after all.

Ghost crouched low and crept forwards.
Slowly and carefully.
As he moved, his fingers stay wrapped around his rifle, his eyes remained up.

He didn't mind the thought that death may be waiting for him in the darkness.

After all, what was that in comparison to his fear of losing you?


His thoughts vanished as he heard the shots.
It all happened quickly.
Chaos erupted.
The flashes of the guns illuminated your faces. Screaming and shouting.

Ghost didn't hesitate.

He was on his feet.
His rifle was up.
His trigger finger itched.
His eyes scanned the battlefield looking you.


"I'm alright!"

He wasn't going to hesitate.
He wasn't going to think it through.
He was going to move quick and take out as many of the enemy as he could.

ɢʜᴏꜱᴛ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ / ᴋöɴɪɢ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang