chapter 17

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Author's pov

"Liam": are you phsyco or what?
"Emma": why?
"Noah": you ask why? You are laughing when people got killed or when you see blood!

"Emma": yeah, that cause I had see horror movies from my childhood
I love it!😍❤

"Liam": wow I am really shocked all of the girls like romantic& sad movies

"Emma": No actually not all of the girls, I like action, horror and dramatic movies! But I hate the romantic movies ewwwwwwwwww

"Noah": Are you sure you're a girl?

We all laughed😂😂😂on his question

Then the movie end then I put "mission impossible"for "Tom cruise"

"John": mom lied on us when she say we had a sister!
"Jack": that CAUSE WE HAD A BROO

All of them 😒😒😒😒

Then I went to the kitchen and make them dinner and leave it there and I came to the living room and sit until the movie end

"Emma": good night!
"Liam": night miss phsyco!😉
"Noah": Nighty miss ugly.

"Emma": 😒😒😒it's my flat to talk to them nicely!

"Emma": yeah, by the way your dinner is at the kitchen!

I went to my room then I got a text message

From Mira

"Mira": hey Emma, I miss you so much💗 are you coming tomorrow?

"Emma": hey Mira, I miss you too💕 yes I'm coming tomorrow!

"Mira": good to hear then I will let you sleep see you tomorrow!😗

"Emma": see you love😘.

I go in a deeeeeep sleep!💤💤💤💤

                    The Next day

I woke up and went to the bathroom and get change I wear my school uniform on my lovely black Jordan.

I went to the kitchen and make the breakfast and put it on the table and call them .

"Liam": So when do you end your shift?
"Emma": at 1:00Am.
"John": god It's too late!
"Emma": what can I do!
"Lewis": we will take you home!

"Emma": No thanks I can handle myself!

"Liam": yeah yeah of course😒😒!
"Noah": Just do as we say!

"Emma": we will talk about it later now we have to go!

Then I ride with and we arrive to school of course F5's fan were shouting on their car like zombie
And the most were shouting on me!

"This little brat again"
"What do they see at her?"



"Emma": Who the hell is LELO?
"John": haha ha it's Lewis

Then a girl came towards Liam and put her hand around his shoulder

I don't kow why but i feel alittle angry
But why? Of course I don't have feeling for him it's impossible!!

Then she check hands with the boys
And say

"The girl": and who is this girl?
She pointed to me

"Liam": oh you don't know miss ugly😂😂😂😂
"Noah": Don't care she's the nerd of the school!

"Emma": speaking on yourself
Mr.big donkey!😏

Then I leave them and walk to school building and I saw oliv

"Oliv": hey Emm I miss you so so much!

"Mira": hey Emmy!
"Emma": hey guys!
"Mira": now you are the talking of the hole school for being with most popular five Boys in the school!

"Emma": actually I don't care but I am not the girl with them!😒😒.

"Oliv": what do you mean?
"Emma": I mean this girl
(I point to the girl she was sitting with them!

"Mira": oh you mean Bianca!
"Emma": and who is she?
"Mira": she's Liam's cousin.
"Emma": oh so nothing between them!

Mira& oliv😉😉😉😉.
"Oliv": and what if there is ?😉

"Emma": what do you mean!😡😡
"Mira": I smell love in air!
We are very opposite don't think at it!

"Mira": oh dear it's  the best love when you be opposite!😌

"Emma": Just go to class before I kill you!

Then we went to the class
I sat next to Liam he through papers and gums on me!

"Emma": stop or I will rip you a live
I warned you!

"Liam": do it if you can!

Then I pulled his hair so he screamed AWWWWWWWWWWWW!

"Emma": I warned you!😎

"Liam": you will reject it!

Then the class end I walked to the cafeteria
The guys were sitting at their table and Mira&oliv were sitting at a table next to them they called me so walk towards them with my food in my hands then suddenly someone push me from my back then......

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