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Author's pov

"Emma": Look I'm not following anyone and it's Just my bad luck.
"Liam": why bad luck?  ok ok so let's start new beginning.
"Liam": my name is Liam Anderson
I'm 19 years old my dad has Anderson

"Emma": okay my name is Emma park and I'm 18 years old.

"Liam": oh that's funny cause there are boys here had your same Last name.

My face get a little red I didn't want to say that I'm their sister cause they don't want me so I decid to don't get in this conversation.

"Liam": ok so nice to meet you Emma.
After the class
"Mr.Jossef": Noah and Liam you will take miss Emma on a tour at the school.
"Liam": ok

After the class I went to my locker and put my books and take my phone then a girl came towards me.

"The girl": Hi nice to meet you I'm Miranda but you can call me mira
I'm Emma Nice to meet you too Mira.
"Mira": So you're new to this school so I will tell you about some of the students.

Mira: Now these girls that are standing there they are the "robot brats".
"Emma": sorry W...What??
"Marine": yes They all are BRATS and this is their Queen Elezabel and they 're like her robots do whatever she say so they're robot brats.
If she put someone in her head they will make his life black and HELL.

And our most popular five Boys are
Noah, Jack, John, Lewis and Liam.
They are the most beautiful boys st our school.

"Emma": Really I don't think so☹.
"Mira": WHY.. .. do you know them?
"Emma": no I just I Just I see some of them they 're at the same class with me.

"Mira": WHATTTTTTTT! What a Lucky girl you 're at the same class WITH THE MOST POPULAR BOYS IN OUR STUPID SCHOOOOL!!

"Emma": don't be over!
"Mira": okay can I have your number.
"Emma": yeah sure.
"Emma": There it is.

"Mira": Thank Noah and Liam are shouting to you.
"Emma": yeah yeah I have to go Mr.Jossef told them to take me on a tour at the school.
"Mira": So see you later.

Emma walk towards Liam and Noah

"Liam": Hey princess! 😎

"Emma": DON'T call me like that I have a name!
"Liam": I can do What I want do and call you whatever I want "princess".

Emma rolled her eyes at him and Just ignore him.
"Liam": So this is Noah my Bf.
"Emma":.............😐😐ok so let's go quickly.

Then walk a way.
"Liam": did she just ignore us?!
"Noah": whatever let's go I want to finish this quickly.

"Liam": So this is the track and it's............

They show her around the school they had been walking about an hour and half.

"Liam": So this the boring school.😪
"Emma": WHATTT!! Are you kidding me IT'S VERY VERY MUCH WONDERFUL and big.

"Noah": It's her First time to see a big places in her life her old school must be smallest than our class size ha..ha....ha....haaay!😂

"Liam": From where do you know her?
"Noah": What from where I know her I don't know low class people.

"Emma": Yeah so that mean you're low class too my bro....or sorry I mean Mr.rude.
"Noah": what the HELL.
"Liam": What's going on from where do you know each other.

"Noah": mom and dad says that she's our sister.

"Noah": It's long story broo.
But it's more like a funny Joke ha...ha..ha..haaay😂😂

"Emma": he...he...hey so funny.😝😒😒
"Emma": I must get going thanks for the tour.

Then she walked a way.

"Liam": So anyways we will talk at this later now we had important work to do.
"Noah": ok broo I will call the others.

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