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He looked afar from the glass of his office. His vision captured a beauty, a beauty like none other, but, she seemed drained, as she lazily sat into the car, probably a cab. "She might be an employee there", guessed Manik. His gaze not even for a second leaving the sight of her angelic face, that was so worn out, which probably was a result of working for lasting hours. 

"I'll make sure from now that she never has to look this way ever again, for she is meant to be the mafia queen, my mafia queen", said Manik, aggressively stressing the word my. 

"Cabir", He shouted.

"I'm right here, what's the matter buddy. Wohoo, Manik, I ain't getting any golden retriever vibe from you right now, all I can smell is a fuming alpha, what's wrong?" Exclaimed Cabir, knowing his pal very well from inside out.

"Ah Cabir. Gosh, Whew, damn. What shall I say man, I am effervescent right now. SO. FREAKING. MUCH." He said, as he sluggishly sat on his chair and closed his eyes, recapitulating the glimpse of the enchantress he saw a while back. 

''Damn, chill buddy. What have you seen? Or shall I ask, Whom have you seen? So many exclamations in a single sentence. This is going to be intense, as per my prediction." Cabir said, dramatically.

"You are right my friend, it's going to be intense, really intense, one heck of an intense." He said, in his hoarse yet calm voice. And thought, "Be ready to be compelled to be mine, miss enchantress, for you have smitten me, extremely brutally" before crushing his half smoked cigarette on the floor.

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