"Don't you get it? You were supposed to be mine!" Artemis yelled.

Just as she had done before, Menodora got her knife from the back pocket of her jeans and, without much thinking, jabbed at the goddess' side.

The thirteen-year-old girl before Menodora was way faster than any manticore could ever be.

With a loud cry, she slammed Menodora into the ground. The force pushed Menodora several inches into the hard winter ground.

All the air left Menodora's lungs. Weirdly, it wasn't her airless lungs that hurt like all hell broke loose. It was more her spine that, more than likely, broke into a million little chunks.

It hurt so much, screaming wouldn't distract her from it. All she could do was pray for it to cease.

"Stop!" Bianca pleaded, throwing herself between Artemis and Menodora. "Please, stop it!"

As soon as the fire had ignited, the goddess' eyes dimmed. Artemis backed away from Bianca and Menodora, laughing nervously. "Excuse me. I'm just... really upset with your answer."

"You did that out of upsetness?" Percy said. "Help her!"

"Don't tell me what to do, boy," Artemis said.

With a shaky breath, the goddess kneeled down next to Menodora and spoke an enchantment Menodora caught little of. Her ears were too busy ringing.

As Artemis placed her shivering hand on Menodora's forehead, the warmth coursed through Menodora's body. Her spine burnt delightfully, and all the pain in her body oozed away.

Menodora scrambled away from Artemis before fumbling her way onto her feet. "What the fuck," she breathed. "I'm sorry. You were—you scared me. It just—I just—I don't know why I did that."

Nor did she know why she was the one apologizing for almost being crushed to death.

"I must apologize for my behavior," Artemis mumbled. "But, it's understandable as to why you'd decline. You've been robbed of your memories."

Here she went again, talking about Menodora's stolen memories. If she knew so much, why couldn't this goddess just tell her?

"My invitation still stands," Artemis said banally. "Call upon me and I'll be ready to accept your pledge. Now, you must get to camp somehow."

Menodora doubted she'd willingly reach out to Artemis.

Artemis turned away from Menodora and ordered Zoë to break down camp.

She didn't seem too happy with the order, but she followed it anyway. "Come on, Bianca. I'll show thee the necessary equipment."

Just as she was about to leave the tent, Zoë smiled encouragingly at Menodora.

Menodora looked at Bianca who kept her head down as she followed Zoë. Menodora's heart sunk a little.

Now, she was left alone with two strangers who both almost led her to death; Percy and Artemis.

"Dawn is breaking," Artemis said. "Bianca isn't the only one with an annoying brother. My brother will bring you to camp."

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