Why isn’t today’s dinner canned?

  Xio looked at the flat food with some annoyance. Just as he pushed the food to the edge of the plate again, Gu Lian's eyes glanced over again.

  Although Chongzi frowned slightly, you could still see his annoyance as he struggled with his left hand. Gu Lian put down the tableware in his hands again, looked at the clumsy insect and said, "Give me the spoon."

  After realizing Gu Lian's intention, Xiu quickly refused, "You continue to eat, I can do it."

  In the mind of a female insect, it’s okay if she doesn’t serve the male master for meals. How can the male host condescend to serve his own female insect for meals?

  Xio continued to scoop the food, and this time it came up, but there was very little food left on the spoon. Gu Lian only glanced at it and then twitched the corners of his lips.

  "Can you do it yourself?"

Familiar words flowed into Xio's ears, and they were clearly thought without a trace of ridicule, but they made Xio's face heat up involuntarily.

  Gu Lian said in a deep voice, "Don't make me say it a second time."

  "Yes, my lord." Xio obediently handed over the spoon.

  Watching Gu Lian take it, then pick up the plate in front of him. Then he scooped up a spoonful of food, brought it to his mouth, and ordered, "Open your mouth."

  Xio opened her mouth meekly, but couldn't help but feel awkward in her heart. Even as a cub, he was never fed by his male father. What's more, after becoming an adult, he is now being "lovingly" fed by his master like a cub that cannot take care of itself.

This made the warmth on his face even more intense.

  After chewing a mouthful, Xio blushed and asked, "Have you finished it yourself?"

  He doesn't blush when he does something that deserves to be blushed, but he blushes terribly when it doesn't matter. Gu Lian ignored him and scooped up another spoonful of food and stuffed it in. Put it into Xio's mouth and say, "Shut up."

  Xio closed her mouth, but didn't chew anything and looked at Gu Lian slightly absentmindedly.

  Gu Lian raised his eyebrows slightly and asked, "Can I let you cook?"

  Then without giving the bug a chance to react, he lectured, "Chew."

  This meal was extremely long, so long that Xion’s cheeks hurt from chewing. Finally, Gu Lian scooped up the last bite and was about to put it into Xio's mouth when a loud whimpering sound started. The insect cubs woke up and howled, whimpering and calling for their female and male fathers.

Xio, who had been restless for a long time, took the last bite and stood up immediately, "Zai Zai must be hungry, I'll feed him."

  After saying that, he walked towards the insect cub on the bed.

  Fortunately, Gu Lian didn't stop him, and Xiu successfully walked to the bed. The little bug cub stared at him with round eyes full of crystal water drops, and when he looked at him, he burst into tears and smiled. With a big and sweet smile on his face, he turned over and climbed out of bed. He stretched out his hand toward him, opening and closing his two little paws.

  "Father, father——"
Xio's heart softened after seeing it, and she quickly picked up the insect cub and sat on the bed.

  Fortunately, the cub is not too heavy and behaved well when he woke up. He held it with one hand and asked gently, "Are you hungry, Zaizai?"

  "Hungry-" The insect cub heard Xio's words and patted Xio's chest with his little paws.

  She looked at Xiu Nai with her big, beautiful eyes and said, "Eat."

  The female seems to be sensitive to the voice of the insect cub, and automatically secretes female milk when she hears the baby's tender voice.

  A feeling of dampness came.

  Xiu took off his military uniform and started feeding the little bug cubs, but Gu Lian only glanced at it and looked away.

Is the hero being shy? Xio thought silently. The last time he offered to share it with the male protagonist, the male protagonist also showed unnaturalness and was rejected. Looking at Gu Lian's back, Xiu felt more and more that his guess was correct.

  The cub was fed quickly. Xio put the cub on the bed and let him crawl and play by himself. He said to Gu Lian, "Master Xiong, it's ready."

  Gu Lian then turned around and walked over.

  Walking up to Chongzi, he looked at his open military uniform and said, "Button up your clothes."

  "Do you want to buckle now?" Xiu looked at him.

  The unpretentious and candid ice-blue eyes blink. It seems to be asking, "Why go to all the trouble and untie it after buckling?"

"The hero..." A trace of doubt flashed in his eyes. He wondered if the hero would be shy? Why are you shy?

  Although he seems meticulous and tolerant, Xio is essentially a worm who only likes to explore, and the premise that he can explore is in an environment where he feels safe and trustworthy.

  He stood up and suddenly put his arms around Gu Lian's neck.

  Gu Lian didn't stop him, just glanced at his left hand.

  Ask, "My hand doesn't hurt anymore?"

  Xio replied, "You have to endure the pain."

The words were unexpectedly playful.

  The military uniform was pulled a few times by small paws. Xio turned her head slightly and saw the boy looking up at them innocently with a curious look on his face. Xiu smiled at his cub, then looked back at Gu Lian, who was watching him.

  Despite being on a cruel and merciless battlefield, Xio felt cherished and happy.

  Suddenly, he took a deep breath.

  He approached Gu Lian affectionately with a smile, boldly put his forehead against his, and murmured softly, "We must protect the empire."

  Only in this way can the male master and their cubs be protected.

  Gu Lian's eyes were dark, and he hugged Xiu's waist calmly. Immediately afterwards, his body was rubbed a few times. He lowered his head and saw the insect rubbing his bare and red chest against him. He narrowed his eyes slightly, "Can't squeeze out again?"


  Xio shook his head and answered honestly, "It's too much."


  Squinting his eyes wider, Gu Lian scanned his face.

  Sure enough, not red.

Looking down, the honey-colored and sexy chest turned red.

  Then I heard the insect's voice saying, "My chest is wet again..."

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