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Xio was lying in the intensive care unit, looking intently through the glass.

  The insect's mental antennae are dormant, but weak energy can be vaguely sensed. Gu Lian looked at it intently, his cold eyes unable to discern his emotions, but his brows slowly relaxed.

  However, the next second, Gu Lian frowned again.

  "Your Excellency Gu Lian..." Nurse Yafei hurried towards Gu Lian.

  Panting and looking panicked, "Your eggs! You, go and take a look at your eggs!"

  What happened to that egg?

  Seeing nurse Yafei's expression on the verge of tears, Gu Lian quickly followed her to the nursery without hesitation.

  The nursery was in chaos.

  "A-1102 come down quickly!"

  I saw an egg with birth number A-1102, jumping up and down in the nursery. Sometimes he jumps from the incubator to the ceiling, and sometimes he jumps from the ceiling to the open space again. He looks as if he wants to break his own shell or smash the nursery to pieces.

  The Asian female nurses and doctors present were in a hurry. The eggs were so fast and energetic that they were so busy that not a single insect could be caught.

  The egg knocked another incubator, and the innocent sleeping male egg was knocked down with a "clang". The Asian female with quick hands and quick eyes swooped down and caught the little male egg. But in the blink of an eye, he saw A-1102 suddenly jump up and hit another egg!

  "Zai Zai, don't want it——"

  The soft and beautiful female nurse was instantly frightened to the point of turning pale and hideous.

  There was an earth-shattering crisp sound.

  The medical bug was so frightened that his legs went weak. You must know that the empire's birth rate has been very sluggish in recent years. It is difficult to lay a few eggs. Now if there is a broken egg incident, these bugs will become sinful bugs. The nearby doctor was sweating coldly, his legs were weak and he ran over to check.

  "Ah...it's not broken..." The medical bug collapsed on the ground and let out a long sigh.

  Fortunately, the eggshells of Zerg eggs are very hard. Unless there is level 8 violence and the sharp claws of the newborn insects, the eggshell will generally not be easily broken.

  He reacted and grabbed A-1102, but as soon as he reached out, the culprit jumped onto his head. It was jumping up and down on top of his head, as if mocking him for being too slow.

  The scene was extremely chaotic, and everything was on its feet.

  Gu Lian, who was outside the glass, narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the egg that was jumping around on his head.

  Smooth, rounded white shell, dark golden and flashy three female lines.

  It's his egg.

  "Gu, Your Excellency Gu Lian..."

  Asian female nurse

  He glanced at the energetic eggs in the nursery, and then at Gu Lian, whose complexion was gradually turning black and ugly. Swallowing my saliva, I thought, are SS-level males so different even with their eggs?

  Although it is a female egg, the average female is quiet, docile and weak in the first few days after birth. It's not like the "deformed egg" with three female lines, which is jumping around.

The scum of the Zerg attack your character and your character is brokenWhere stories live. Discover now