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[Detected decrease in protagonist’s health——]

  [To ensure the smooth progress of the plot, the host is requested to lend a helping hand in time. 】

  Following the system's reminder, the alarm sounded crazily in Gu Lian's mind. His long sharp eyebrows wrinkled, and Gu Lian's face turned gloomy. He didn't take any immediate action, but stood there indifferently.


  Gu Lian didn't bend down until a sharp alarm sounded that seemed to penetrate the cerebral cortex. Looking at the insect writhing in pain in front of him, it was difficult to conceal the murderous accident.

  But it wasn't directed at Xio.

  Gu Lian picked up Xiu from the ground. The originally weak Chongzi immediately grasped the clothes on Gu Lian's chest with wet hands as if grasping a life-saving straw.

  "It hurts..." Xio's words were unclear because she was biting her lip.

  What was even more unclear was his consciousness. He couldn't tell who the insect was hugging him. His head instinctively and feebly pressed against the opponent's chest, and his face looked like it had just been fished out of the water. The hair on the temples was wet, and the cold sweat on the forehead washed down, flowing from the eyelashes into the ice-blue eyes like the rising and falling ocean.

  It flows in and overflows, and the water is cool and clear.

  He raised his head and looked up at Gu Lian with such eyes. Gu Lian's eyes fell on his lips, which were bitten and covered in blood. Blood seeped from between Xio's lips. Apparently because of the pain, he not only bit his lip but even bit his tongue.

  "Loose your mouth." Gu Lian ordered.

  However, the insect remained disobedient and bit his tongue trying to wake himself up.

  [Alert, the protagonist's health has dropped by 30%, and the host's health has begun to decline. 】

  Gu Lian's eyes were gloomy, he reached out and pressed Xio's lips with his thumb. Taking advantage of his breath, he parted the other person's lips, and forcefully squeezed his teeth open with his fingers, squeezing in.

  There were bugs hiding inside and out.Because of Gu Lian's movements, his teeth began to bite his fingers. Gu Lian just frowned and quickly went downstairs with the half-dead insect in his arms.

  "Hero?" In the hall, Lance looked at Xio being held by Gu Lian and was shocked and annoyed. "What happened?"

  How is this female slave worthy of being held by the male master?

  Gu Lian ignored Lance's emotions and ordered, "Call the doctor over" while carrying Xio to the treatment room.

  He put Xio into the treatment cabin and waited for the doctor to come. More than ten minutes later, a male doctor came to the villa.

  "I need to open the treatment cabin and perform a body scan on your female slave. I hope you don't mind..."

  The male doctor looked at the male with a gloomy face and felt frightened.

  Although if it were him and a strange male wanted to inspect the body of his belongings, he wouldn't be unhappy. After all, male insects are both domineering and territorial creatures. But the male in front of him... Thinking of the rumors about the other party's "revelation", the male doctor felt even more difficult to deal with.

  Just when he was thinking about how to persuade Gu Lian, Gu Lian spoke.

  "Open the treatment cabin."

  A trace of surprise flashed in the male doctor's eyes, and he quickly scanned and treated Xio. More than an hour later, the doctor, who was concentrating on treating Xio, remembered that there was a male insect in the room.

  He turned back to look at Gu Lian and found that although the male had a cold face, he showed no signs of being impatient or irritable.

  Maybe Gu Lian is not like what the rumors say?

  Maybe the lieutenant general's marriage is not so miserable?

  The male insect doctor does not particularly prefer sub-females like most males. When he was younger, he also actively pursued females. He had always retained respect and admiration for this heroic Imperial Lieutenant General, so when he learned that Xio was married to the rumored violent and sadistic male insect, he also felt sorry for him.But now it seems that there is some deviation.

  The doctor became more courageous and said to Gu Lian, "Your female slave suffered severe mental trauma on the battlefield in her early years, and her mental instability led to frequent riots. In addition...the infection of the wounds on her body and the fact that she has not eaten for days, Such a dangerous situation will only occur if the body's functions decline rapidly."

  "If you want him to recover, you must treat his injuries, let him resume eating, and take good care of himself."

  Gu Lian nodded and motioned for him to continue.

  "I recommend that you give him the intimacy and emotional comfort that a partner deserves."

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