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After the defending champion left,
Lance instantly became arrogant.

  "Lieutenant General, kneel down." He walked up to Xio, bent down, with a vicious smile on his beautiful face, "You know the rules. If you dare to lean even a little bit, you will only get a whip..."

  "Look." His eyes turned to the iron nail board not far away, which was their hero's favorite torture device.

  "The hero likes to listen to the beautiful sound the insects make when they roll on it."

  Lance looked at Xio and smiled evilly, "I think you must be very unforgettable, Lieutenant General."
He intended to threaten Xiu, but Xiu's face was cold and there was no fear in his eyes. This made Lance feel extremely angry, and his face gradually became distorted, "Let's see how long you can last with your toughness!"

  Lance sat under the shade of a tree to enjoy the shade, admiring Xio's kneeling posture.

  More than two hours passed under the scorching sun.

  The female slave put her knees on the ground and repeated the steps of getting wet and dried. Xiu looked as if he had just been fished out of the water. His knees were swollen and his face was pale, as if he was about to faint. But when Lance came over to take a look, the other person's kneeling posture was regular and standard without any change.

  With a "click" sound, Yafei was so angry that she broke the branches under her feet.

  He looked at Xio's dry, pale and exhausted lips, and suddenly asked with a ferocious smile, "Are you thirsty?"

  Lance slowly poured the water in his hand little by little in front of Xio. The cool water droplets constantly attract the unconscious female insects under the scorching sun.


  He needs water...

  Xio's head felt dizzy, and it felt like an iron brand had been put into his throat. Every time I swallowed, it hurt so much that I almost smoked. Seeing Xio's painful look, the vicious female waiter finally felt happy.

  "I'm so thirsty, lie down and lick it."

  Anything that could torture Xio was pleasurable to him. Lance's eyes were filled with hatred.

  He hates Hugh.

  Not only because of Gu Lian, but also because this damn military female arrested his brother.

  Lance was born into a small aristocracy, and his male father was as arrogant as all the males on the planet. And his female father came from the common class, and because of her humble status, she could only act as a female servant who was bullied by insects. As soon as Lance was born, he was disliked and abused because of his worthless female status.

  Fortunately, he has an eldest male insect brother who is loved by the male leader.Recalling her brother, Yafei's face softened a little. Although his brother is not kind to him and his female father, as long as he is around, there is still hope for their lives.


  But this military female!

  If this military female hadn't sent his brother to prison, how could his female father lose value and be sold by his male father? How could he be given to Gu Lian as a plaything by his ruthless male father and suffer all kinds of torture!

  Hatred made Lance's eyes red, it was this damn female slave that ruined everything for them! Lance's hands trembled, and his overwhelming hatred made him slam the water glass on Xio's head.

  Xio groaned and was knocked to the ground, her eyes black. The cramping pain in the stomach started again, and the weak and peristaltic stomach let out waves of groans.

  "Still hungry?" Lance sneered, "How can you let the empire's great lieutenant general starve?"

  He turned around and walked toward the house. When he came out, he had a box of cans and a pet bowl in his hand. Lance threw the pet bowl in front of Xio, "The hero specially asked me to buy this bowl for you. Lieutenant General, don't you think it's a pity?"

  He poured the food into the bowl and squatted in front of Xio.

  Humiliated, "Eat!"

  Xio pursed her lips and said nothing.

  "What? You're just a mean dog raised by the hero!" Lance pulled Hugh's hair and tried to press his face into the pet bowl, "Hugh Grant, you deserve it!"

  "Who told you to arrest my brother! Why do you arrest him!"

  "You are nothing but a female insect!"

  "Dirty bitch!"

  Lance was in a crazy state, crying and fussing, almost pulling Xio's hair up by the roots, "What did he do wrong?"

  Don't remember the brother Lance said.

  It was a male insect who, like Gu Lian, enjoyed torturing female insects. Xiu witnessed with his own eyes how he charmed a military female and then brutally killed her.
"Uuuuuuuuh...What did he do wrong?"

  Pain swept through Xio. He coughed painfully while struggling to look at the already crazy Yafei. He weakly but stated, "Because he tortured and killed the female."

  Hearing such an answer, Lance was furious, "I just killed a few despicable female insects!" How could a female insect be compared to his brother or a male insect if he was so despicable?

  "Aren't you a female insect?"

  Xio's voice was bleak and hoarse, and his eyes looked at Lance with neither sadness nor joy, but Lance saw pity and sadness in his ice-blue eyes.

  Lance couldn't accept such a look. He went crazy, insulting and beating Xio like crazy.

  "I'm not! I'm a female!" He tried his best to deny his identity, as if he had forgotten that a female is also a type of female insect.

  "You lowly bitch, pretending to be the cleanest and noblest in the entire galaxy!"

  "Female insects have a low life, they are

  The tortured bitch will never get over! "


  Female insects only deserve to be humble.

  The female can only obey.

  The admiral's words in the interrogation room echoed in Xio's ears again:

  As a humble female insect, we seem to have no choice but to accept——


  But what is destiny?

  Xio's mental energy was trembling and weeping. The mental energy that was running out of control was like a wild horse running wild, and terror broke out.

  When Gu Lian walked into the courtyard, he suddenly felt the space being torn apart. A huge amount of energy rushed towards her face, and then the red-haired female was hit hard on the ground by the impact.

  Gu Lian's expression turned stern.

  The insect's spiritual energy went berserk again.

The scum of the Zerg attack your character and your character is brokenजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें