Chapter 16 - All the plants are dying~🎵

Start from the beginning

"Dionysus," the centaur greets him, "I fear this war is going to be too much for this camp." The god glances up at him, not a wisp of remorse on his face.

"And? What do I care? These brats are always so needy, so what?" Dionysus drawls before taking a sip of his Diet Coke.

Chiron stays silent for a few seconds, before continuing in a calm, steady voice. "Zeus wouldn't be pleased if this camp, which is under your protection, is overrun by monsters on your watch. He might even prolong your stay here."

This got the god's attention.

He sits up quickly, scowling, but listening nonetheless. "So, what do you want? Me to help? I cant get mixed up in there mortal affairs, you know that."

Chiron smiles, seeing the odds turn in his favor. "Our source of money and supplies has fallen short due to an...inconvenience. I believe you could help us."

"What? The strawberries?" Dionysus asks. "Fine then, now go do your training stuff, I'll check back on this hiccup soon."

Chiron bowed his head before heading into another room. Closing the door, Chiron sighs, staring at the wall full of photos of his students. Staring at a photo of a certain son of Poseidon, the trainer ponders how their quest is going, and wether they would make it out alive.

"Where are you Percy?" Chiron murmurs, glancing at the calendar on the wall. November 25.

"Where are you?"



Third PoV 


"Dark darkness."

"Very dark darkness."

"Very VERY-"

"Grover, shut up before I make sure you permanently cannot talk." Clarisse growls, tired from trudging on through the...well, darkness. Grover, trying to get a reaction or snarky remark out of Percy, sighs, but obliges to the scary daughter of Ares.

Focus on the path ahead of them, Percy says nothing as his two quest mates walk behind him. He has been silent for quite a while, the exact time being hard to determine as time is warped down in this horrible, stuff of nightmares place.

"So, we know exactly where we are going?" Grover questions after another period of silence between the three of them. Gods, how he actually missed the bickering between the son of Poseidon and Athena's daughter. 

"We are going to Nyx's palace." Percy supplies, a short and simple answer. 

"And you know the way there?"

Percy momentarily stops in his tracks, only to quickly start back up again just as swiftly. "Yeah. Keep your eyes out for a forest."

That's it. Stillness covers the three young adults for a while after that, only for Clarisse to break it.

"Prissy, is it supposed to be this quiet? I would've expected a to drakon roar by now, or maybe some dracaena." She questions.

Percy pauses, stopping to listen for anything. Nothing. Absolutely quiet.

Too quiet.

"We're being hunted," Percy realizes, eyes wide. He quickly draws his trusty sword, Riptide. Clarisse and Grover copy his action, pulling out their weapons in suite.

The three companions formed a sort of triangle, scanning their surroundings for any sort of monster. Nothing came.

"Keep walking," Percy says, "but keep your weapons handy, be alert." The trio kept trudging on, keeping their guard up. 

After a while, Clarisse growls. "It's nothing! We're just being paranoid."

"I don't know..." Grover sniffs the air, his ears trembling in fear. "Something reeks of monster scent..."

Clarisse rolls her eyes. "We're in the heart of the monster nest, everything smells of monster scent! I'm sure that's true, right Prissy?"

Percy has been silent, unlike him. His eyes searches his surroundings, but nothing abnormal (well, abnormal for him) stood out.

"Prissy? PRISSY?!" Clarisse is practically shouting in his ear by now, finally jerking Percy from his trance.

"Huh? What?" He blinks, before barley refocusing. "Um, yeah, don't fight guys."

Clarisse and Grover share a look, before Grover speaks up again. "I guess there isn't a monster hunting us..." He says, admitting defeat with a sigh.

"Thank you!" Clarisse loudly says. "See? No monster Prissy! Even Grover agre-"

A loud, scratchy roar echos around the terrine as a huge, scaly, dark green drakon comes stomping out of seemingly nowhere, charging straight at them, it's eyes piercing into the trio's and stunning them with fear.

"I take it back." Clarisse whimpers. Not shouts. Not yells. Clarisse Fucking La Rue whimpers. "Grover was right. RUN!"

I'm back! *hides behind chair* I'm sorry that I have updated in a few months...more than a few...about four...hehe 😅

I sort of...forgot? Also procrastination. It's an extremely bad habit of mine. Not very good for homework assignments...and Wattpad books...

I wrote this on my phone, so sorry if there's any spelling mistakes! A friendly reminder if you find any would be appreciated.

Anyway, I will try my best to update on some sort of schedule...? Idk, this is like a side thing, so updates will be irregular.

Also, 8.5k?! Holy shish kebab, when in the world did that happen?! Thank you so much! 


Side note, I've gotten back into my Trollhunters phase. Anyone else watched it? I need to rant about how much I hate Merlin...maybe I should make a fanfic about Trollhunter...I'm getting off track.

Remember to:






- Laurel

Percy's VK side (Percy Jackson x Descendants)Where stories live. Discover now