Chapter 26

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It's pure white.

The light that flickered in Gion's eyes was so bright that it was impossible to see a speck of dust.

Already in chaos due to the collapsing castle, the presence of the dazzling white qi fluttering before their eyes left them momentarily dazed.

"Is this the end?"

Gion dryly asked, looking at the demons pouring out like vomit.

The man was covered in blood; he emitted a light that was both brilliant and refined.

Enveloped in the pure white light, he seemed almost angelic, but to the beings witnessing this scene, he was undoubtedly more malevolent than any demon.


The sound of flexible wings fluttering broke the silence dominating the space.

The demons shuddered at the ticklishly soft noise, snapping back to reality.

"Why? Is it too few?"


The Second Chime elegantly folded his wings, confronting Gion.

"Shall I call more?"

"Do it."

The corners of the Second Chime's lips, which had been forced into a smile, quivered rapidly.

"Call them now."


"I would prefer to finish this all at once, if possible."

Saying so, Gion began scanning the surroundings as if really checking for other demons.

As he faced countless demons, he spoke with ease, without a hint of fear.

It was as peaceful as someone looking for stray cats during a stroll.

"Insolent human, acting so arrogant just because you got your hands on a white qi..."

The Second Chimes's expression hardened in an instant.

A rat that walked into a trap and cornered itself.

Wasn't that Gion's position?

Did he think he could fight alone against the onslaught of demons?

It looked no different than a rat pretending to be a cat.

Looking at that haughty arrogance... no, precisely, looking at that insignificant human ignoring him.

"No. The ones here should be enough to kill you."

His anger surged.

"This castle's courtyard will be your grave."


"I'll even erect a tombstone for you."


In an instant, the Second Chime soared up and looked down at Gion from the sky.

"Whoever kills that guy will be granted the position of the castle lord."

At those words, all the demons looked up.

The position of the castle lord that the Second Chime offered was not only close to the Second Chime but also a position that not even the other demons under the Second Chime could disregard. A position that allowed one to have numerous demons under their command.

And it all depended on one human.

"I will personally speak to my father so you can become the castle lord right away—"

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