Chapter Thirty-Six

Start from the beginning


"Neo baby?"

Silence. Neo did not move or speak.

"Please Neo. It has been three weeks and this is the last time you will see us for a month."

"I am not sure what happened, but I- we are here for you."

Neo shifted under his blanket. He moved the blanket down so if he did speak, they could hear him. He kept his eyes closed, "Ha..have fun."

"Neo... please." Patrick moved himself onto the bed more. He dragged himself to the wall, and allowed his legs to rest on the bed. He looked to his right and saw Neo's hair covered face. He smiled softly. He kept his hand on Neo's covered leg.

"Just... leave me alone please." Neo whimpered before he repositioned himself. He tried to bury himself more under his blankets, but with Arc and Patrick both on the bed, he could not adjust his blanket. Tired and already drifting off to sleep, he stopped trying to obtain more blanket and just laid still. How could I tell them that I am being sexually and physically used at work? How could I tell them that if the doctor found out I even uttered a word to them, I would be beat or forced to play another game.

The two men looked at one another before they looked back at Neo. Arc moved his hand to Neo's back before he started to rub in a circular motion. The room was silent for a few minutes. Neo took this time to collect his thoughts. It was another rough night at work. Private room after another, huge groups wanting everything the club offered, the doctor making him do everything, and the worst part is Neo's pay decreased. Every time he complained or talked back, his pay for the day or week would decrease. The doctor put it towards the money Neo owed to his foster mother. Neo did not care though. He still did not have access to his bank account, but the doctor told him that all his bills were being paid. He only had to deal with the doctor's torment for a few more months, but knowing his life he will probably have to deal with it for a lot longer.

Neo coughed, "Did you two... do well on your finals?"

Arc smiled to himself, "Yes. Some how I passed with all B's."

"I got all B's and one A. What about you baby?"

Baby... Baby? "I passed with all A's."

Arc shook his hand back and forth quickly on Neo's back expressing his excitement. "I am so proud of you Neo! Even with everything going on. Look at you."

Neo tensed from the excessive touch. "Thanks... I am proud of both of you."

"While it is almost one thirty in the morning, do you want to do anything Neo? I know you been working like a dog. We could order food or watch a movie... "

Neo pondered. He was not sure what he wanted to do. He felt awful about having to toss these men aside, but it is life or death for him. He could probably stop working at the club, but where would he work, where would he make enough money to afford life and afford his bills. Even after him ignoring them for over three weeks here they were for him. He was mostly shocked that Arc stood there rubbing his back. He was not shocked that Patrick was on the bed, but he was shocked that Patrick did not move closer, pull Neo into his lap, or do anything affectionate.

"I ate earlier... I can uh... shower and then we can do what ever you two want. It is your last day here anyways." The last few words came out in almost a whisper. Neo's throat closed up as he spoke the words last day here. He knew they would be coming back, but he did not want to be alone for even a moment. He missed their scent, touch, voice, laughter, hair, skin, height, eyes, smile, hands... everything. He moved his blanket down to meet Patrick's eyes.

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