Sisters Of Two Worlds

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'Sometimes we are called home, for home is where the heart is.

But what if home isn't what you had expected it to be? Is it then still home?'


1984: Oceanid Kingdom – Atlantis

Princess Saline

Time no longer has a meaning...

I have violated all laws of time, even though my story has yet to be told. I have cheated time and for that, I have paid dearly!

How rude of me...let me introduce myself to you!

I once used to be a human, just like you!

Born above the waves upon dry land. I once believed that everything that I saw and experienced was reality, and that magic was nothing but a construct of the foolish and ignorant.

I guess knowledge does come with age: I am about to celebrate my 11,255th birthday! I do not look all that bad either! Appearing only in my 30s!

We Atlanteans are gifted with limited immortality, but it really isn't just immortality...we cheat time by living outside of the 3rd dimension. Atlantis was cast into the 5th dimension when it sank into the ocean. Time stops in the fifth literally, you can live forever here.

But what if I also told you that I was originally born in 1986, and it is only 1984! Confused?

If you are struggling with the answer...the truth is...I somewhat cheated and traveled back in time to the day just before Atlantis had fell into the Atlantean Ocean.

My very actions in Atlantis had cursed me and that is where my story begins...

I became a full fledge Atlantean, placed under the same curse as the citizens of Atlantis...and here I am now today, floating almost eleven thousand feet under the waves of the Atlantic Ocean in the mythical city of Oceanid.

I am studying images of a lifelong past, I am looking at an image of a young man standing with a lovely family, wearing golden armor that was designed for a female in mind. A tall slender man stands at the far-left end holding a silver trident as he seems rather happy or pleased by his good fortune.

At the other end, was a woman with the longest whitest hair you have ever seen, all beautifully dressed in golden armor and flowing white and purple robes. At the center of attention was a charming young girl with golden blonde hair, and standing by her side was a young man with light brown hair.

I reach out and touch the image as I smile, my heart heavy for the past.

[Looking at the past once more, sweetheart?] The beautiful voice, like a sacred mermaid's melody was spoken from the pale blue lips of my lovely mother. Yet, her psychic voice sang in my head as I turned, smiling at her radiance!

She comes swimming on over, glancing down at the image in my webbed hand, seeing the happy faces of a lovely Altarian family; just before Poseida had summoned them to the Council of Kings.

[Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think that my world would be turned upside down one day.] she caresses my scaly shoulder, daydreaming [But the day that you came into our lives was the greatest gift that I could have ever asked from the Great Goddess of the sea!]

I touch her webbed hand with my scaly webbed hand as I smile up at her, careful not to dig my sharp claws into her scaly skin. Having claws had taken well over fifty years just to get used to!

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