Al gets the idea to teleport infront of the hotel instead of his room... then all runs though the lobby. It was late...

Al at the hotel lobby runs to his room to change while his face flushed red. He has to get to his room before anyone noticed. So he did.

He turned many corners but when he turned the one corner close to his room he saw dust close to his and nearly sank in embarrassment. Al was Thinking of just passing him hoping he doesn't care.

"Hey what happened to you virgin deer?" Angel said while raising an eyebrow his head tilted while Al runs by concerned. Then decided to chase him.

Al runs into his room without saying anything closing the door behind him and tried to change but dust caught up to him. He think it's over for him. Ready to hear what he says. Ready to die again...

"Hey! Why you look so messed up cherry deer?" Gay spider said raising his eyebrow again in curiosity opening the door with one hand on the door.

Angels "Hey!" Was enough to get Charlie and the rest involved all of them stormed into the room Al nearly undressed with burn marks from the electricity. It was late so they heard them...

"Ugh Al why did you have to fight him again your ruining the hotels reputation!" Charlie says before Vaggie calms he down...

Angel didn't hear this and came late...

But Al frightened by his appearance being almost naked to everyone. So, he sits in the corner with his arms on his leg curled up with his head down. Scared...

"I got this, just, step outside" angel said in a calm but still worried pushing everyone back. Angel Knew his situation. Husk joined angel and stayed there since he's always with angel.

"Alastor what's going on?" angel said concerned going to the bed to sit looking at Al in the corner.

A brief sigh from Al as angel said "hey, why are you red in the face virgin?" He looks at Al body for an explaination.

"Golly, It's just what happened an- a- and- ah- a- an- ahhhh..." Al says looking up with his hands moving with his words. His ears back...

Angel tries to calm him down so he talked again "I think you just need to watch something to calm down, on the tv and re-"

Al shifted a little bit to the word tv...

Al shaked scared and said in a trying to be innocent, "Darn wh- wha- w- what t- t- tv ah- wh- nothing j- just AHHhh..."

Al sits there in the corner folding his arms again while spidey is on the bed. Does he know whats going on?? Angel??

♡ ♡ ♡

Vx was still at the arena where we last left off

He walks around the arena and thinks.
His hands going from onto, ontop, and infront of his face transferring his thoughts to his hands.

W-wh-what why did i kiss him. Right on the lips too... it felt nice~ what no! You hate him! Right? Yes yea yeaa...

He tries to make himself forget knowing he won't forget..

Still at their secret arena Vx picks up a broken glass from his monitor and calls a cab going to the studio starting at the glass.

He waited to think of him until the cab came to him it was a cold day so his cpu was thankful...

The cab comes minutes later and Vx opened the door and verified it was him and closes the door behind him.

Once they where off remote couldn't stop think of Al and his body. So he just sat there looking out the window to think. Watching the sidewalk imagining someone running with the car.

What wha i- i- Al~ why did I kiss him. I couldnt resist it. How he was nearly unclothed and was trying to get out of his wires while groaning was hot. I could feel his back on my arm. It was just the perfect moment. What NO! Vx after yelling no in the moment he accidently let out a low pitched "no". But Al... what would i do after i just kissed him. What if he thinks i like him!? No please... what if val hears about this and beats me. No i have to say something. I can't go back i have to tell him that I don't like him. Or do the opposite? No NO! I can't i j- ju- AAAHhhh...

Monitor looks away from the window blushing red now and keys out a groan but it was silent. Theb he was looking up with his hands on his hip looking up to think...

Vx was in a cab and Al in his room both feeling feelings... but why now...


> Questions Here <

A/N Omg this was fun to write i hope you enjoy and stay tuned for the next one!

Thoughts on the hot start? Also Ch0 and Ch1 where done in one sitting at midnight.

Thank you for reading it means alot since i just started! Anyway love you cya! Ch2 tomarrow maybe yay i mean today on the 26 its midnight!


Febuary 26 (Midnight), 2024

Polished: March 2, 2024

~ᴱⁿᵉᵐʸˢ ᵗᵒ ᴸᵒᵛᵉʳˢ~ (Vox x Alastor)Where stories live. Discover now