7. Adrian

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2 days later....

"Adrian, someone hacked our systems. We are blocked from everywhere." Nathaniel informs me.

"What!! Who dares to do that?" Rage fills my eyes scaring everyone around me except Nathaniel.

"We are working on it." He says but doubt is evident in his tone.

"Find out as soon as possible and bring that person to me otherwise you and your team will be the one instead of that person" All the guards who are trained to kill get scared by the rage in seeping in my voice.

I move towards the security room with Nathaniel. There are screens covering the whole wall and I see a single message is displayed on every one of the screens.

"Mind your own business or I will come for you - Artemis"

"O my goodness" Nathaniel gasped.

"What!! Who the hell is this?" I make up my mind to make this person's life a hell, torturing him but not letting the death take him away.

"Adrian, this is Artemis. He is the best and deadliest assassin in the whole world. No one has ever seen him because he doesn't leave any witness. He was silent since three years. I don't know what we have done to make him come out of his hibernation." Nathaniel said with excitement on his face. I wonder if he is really in his right mind to get excited when threatened.

"Nobody lives after threatening me. I want this person I don't care who he is. I will kill him with my own hands." I say in a callous voice having a smirk on his face.

"Adri..." I hear Nathaniel say something but he stops in the middle when seeing me glaring at him.

"Do what you are told to do" I command with a cold face and my men shiver at my raging voice as they should.

Nathaniel nods and goes on to instruct his team whereas I move forward to my gym to release my frustration.

I throw my coat, tie and then the shirt on a couch in anger leaving myself just in trousers. Then I cover my knuckles using the hand wraps and move towards the punching bag. I punch as hard as I can, not able to control the wave of all the feelings erupting in my heart from anger to the unknown pull towards a certain girl.

"Aaaaaah..." I hit the bag for the last time so hard that the sand comes out of the bag and it breaks from its hanger falling down with a loud thud. Still having so much going on in my head, I sit on the couch holding my head with both of my hands.

"Noo, I can't feel it. I won't get weak" I abruptly get up and throw the bench on the glass window furiously breaking it.

Mom comes hearing the sound of glass shattering. "Baby, what are you doing? You will get hurt. Step aside quickly!" I hear her panicked voice, probably due to the scene in front of her.

All the anger vanishes as soon as I see Mom's face. She is the anchor of our family. "Mom, stay back. You will get hurt." I say to her seeing her coming forward.

"Adrian, what happened?" Mom's voice trembles with concern as she takes in the scene. The shattered glass, the ruined punching bag, and my disheveled state.

"It's nothing, Mom," I try to reassure her, but my voice betrays the tumult of emotions inside me. "Just some business issues."

"Business issues don't make you destroy your own gym," she says softly, approaching me despite my warning. Her eyes, filled with worry, search my face for answers. "Talk to me, Adrian. What's really going on?"

I look away, unable to meet her gaze. "It's complicated, Mom. Someone's trying to threaten us, and I can't let that slide."

Mom reaches out and touches my arm gently, a gesture that has always had the power to calm me, even when I was a child. "Threats are part of the business, son. But losing control won't help anyone. We need a clear mind to deal with this."

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