1. Evelyn

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"E! Hurry up, you are going to get late," Sophia scolds me as my exhibition is going to start in the next two hours. 

"I'm still not ready, now you have to do something." I whine giving my signature puppy eyes to Sophia .

"I don't know what would have happened to you if I wasn't there." Sophia says looking at me while I panic trying to find a dress for myself from a heap of clothes.

Sophia signs me to get back and takes the lead in her own hands. Finally, after ten minutes of searching for a good outfit for the day, Sophia finds one and tosses it to me. 

"I know you'll always be there for me, babe." I open my arms and throw myself at her cheerfully.

We both get ready for the event, wearing matching clothes in our favorite colors. I am wearing a black gorgeous lacy dress while she is wearing a matching one in purple. After getting satisfied by our looks, we leave for the venue in my car.

I turn on the engine and the air conditioning due to scorching heat outside. The music starts pouring in our ears and we start jamming on the tune.

After about twenty minutes of ride, I park the car near the building. We both step out at the same time. 

My gaze moves towards the tall structure which was in all its glory. It has that nostalgia everytime I come here that runs deep within me. I get lost in another world. 

"Wakeup Princess!" Sophia jerks me and I come out of my own trance.

We move towards the entrance which has two guards for safety purposes. They recognize me and let us in with a smile and a curtsy. 

Upon entering, I look at the scene and get amazed by it. Everyone is hurrying up and arranging everything but the paintings are contrasting perfectly with the white walls. The hall has a glass building to let the sunlight enter. 

I get busy in the preparations and start giving instructions to all the helpers about where to place my artworks so that the visitors get a better view keeping in view the lighting. As I prefer the natural light due to how it accentuates the bold strokes.

I feel a hand from behind on my shoulders and get startled. 

I turn around and see Sophia and Lucas, my manager with lines of worry.

"You scared the bejesus out of me," I breathe out. "What happened to both of you?" Then I realize that I was getting anxious a moment ago. 

I take deep breaths and steady my breathing. Sophia makes me sit on a chair and offers me a glass of water to calm my nerves. 

Lucas comes forward with his charming smile and asks me to rest. He then goes on giving instructions on my behalf. Still I feel the urge to make sure that everything goes right on my own. But I shrug it off. 

"Everything will go well, don't worry. I don't know much about art but your paintings look phenomenal." Sophia gives me an assuring smile and we go on to take a tour of the exhibition one last time before opening it to the visitors.

Finally, everything started to settle and it was time to open the exhibition for others.

I hear the voices of appreciation from here and there which builds a sense of pride within me. 

I also hear some criticizing my art style which I overlook thinking that I can't make everyone satisfied. But that doesn't mean that I stop doing what I love to do.

"E! All the tickets are sold out" Lucas is grinning from ear to ear while telling me the news. Sophia , as the calm and composed one, congratulates me and I draw her in a tight hug.

"I'm gonna get suffocated. Where do you get this much strength from?" She wiggles in my arms.

I leave her and look around at the crowd. 

Suddenly, there is silence and everyone is facing in a particular direction. I look towards the source of their attention and find two men entering the hall. The one who's a few steps forward, is yelling at someone on the phone call. He has an intimidating presence that can give an immediate anxiety to anyone. The other one is busy typing something on his phone. The latter lifts up his head and roams his eyes as if he is looking for someone. 

"He is Mr. Adrian Blackwood . I heard that he is a ruthless and successful businessman," Lucas whispers in my ear. 

He hang up the phone call and exchange a few words with the other person beside him. A man with glasses on and a lean build comes hurriedly behind him and bows as if he is apologizing for being late. 

Mr. Blackwood moves his gaze at the crowd, feeling everyone's attention around him. His cold and blank hazel eyes are alluring with depths of darkness in them. As soon as he looks at others, everyone gets back to their work. I sense the fear and power in the air. Fear which is coming from people and the power which is coming from the person who got everyone's attention as soon as he entered. 

I move to others and start communicating with them, asking about their perception about the pieces that caught their eye.

The exhibition is in full swing. The gallery is buzzing with excitement as guests are admiring my paintings, and I also hear someone say that each one is a testament to my talent and dedication. This made me so proud of myself. I further greet the guests, answer questions about my art, and meticulously attend to every detail of the event. 

The rest of the evening passes in a blur of conversations and compliments. I manage to speak with almost every guest, ensuring they feel appreciated for attending. The exhibition is a success, and the energy in the room is electrifying. I even catch a few more glances from Mr. Blackwood as he makes his way around the gallery, but I decide to let him come to me if he wishes to talk more.

Evelyn: His Desire Where stories live. Discover now