Part 6

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Taehyung POV

As I walked back to the canvas with Jungkook, I started casting a privacy spell.

"Nobody enters," I say. It's time to bring my future Luna out of his little cloud. My parents arriving at the Kingdom only tells me one thing. I have to mark him. They will force me, damn it. Literally force me if I don't do it willingly. They have the power to bend my will. The only reason they do is because I protect Jin and Jimin from it. That leaves me vulnerable to their power. Sometimes, I can't help but wonder if they ever loved us. I removed the memories I had shared with the pack members previously. That was a low blow. I am a leader, their king, and I have to set a good example. If he's getting any bad treatment, it'll be from me. I was going to respect him and keep my distance, but knowing I have to mate him makes me sick.

"Alpha, I want to know what I should expect when we arrive?" Jungkook says with start filled eyes. Not again. Not this time, I think.

"When we arrive, my parents will be there. The wedding ceremony will be held tomorrow. We will leave later today. As I previously mentioned, my parents cannot know how Jimin was conceived. They believe Jin met his mate, and he perished. The end, it's not like they are around much, I believe they have met Jimin twice in his life. " I say, looking into his eyes. "We are immortal, Luna. I am 3476 years old," I say and watch his mother drop open in shock.

"YOU'RE OLD!!! My mate is so old," Jungkook exclaims, walking back and forth around the canvas.

I stare at him in disbelief. Is he serious? What type of manners are these? I narrow my eyes at his mannerless self.

"Can we even ever have pups? Is your body up for it?" Jungkook asks with innocent eyes, filled with mischief, smiling, and I choke on air.


"Mind your tone. You might be my mate, but I expect respect from you. I have no choice but to accept you. Trust me when I say this, Luna. I was ready to reject you as soon as I saw you," Taehyung says with so much hatred.

He sees the smile fade from Jungkook's face. The light leaves his eyes. The stars he was just seeing a few seconds ago in his brown eyes disappeared.

"What do you mean, Alpha?" Jungkook whispers, tears already pooling his eyes.

"The only reason I am accepting you is because of duty. You're nothing but a servant, a nobody. I am a king. Imagine my disappointment in realizing you are my mate. Now I have to put up with your presence. The pack members know you are my mate and are waiting for you with open arms. Other leaders, kings, and council members will be present in the crowning ceremony. Imagine the embarrassment I'll feel when you are presented. So many kings and emperors have offered their daughter/sons hand in marriage, and I have always declined their offer, which I regret as now I'm stuck with a mannerless servant, "I spit in his direction. I cannot tell him the real reason.

Jungkook starts to sob, falling to the ground. He is on his knees in front of me, head on the floor, hands placed above his head. His cries became louder and louder. I just stand in front of him stunned. Why is he crying so much?

"Does that hurt?" Taehyung asks, confused. Why is he crying over my words? Yes, we are mates, but we barely met. I hear a chuckle coming from him, and he slowly raises his head, staring up at me.

"Is that even a question? I-I am used to being be-beaten, starved, wor-hiccup-ked until I drop from exhaustion. Only my hyungs, my wolf, and the thought of my mate kept me alive all these years. I am sorry I am a m-mere servant. Your words hurt me more than you can imagine," Jungkook says between sobs. He takes a deep breath, gathering his strength, I am sure.

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