[05] dean is such a jackass

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THE FACTORY WAS DARK, there were a few lights that illuminated their path but their eyes had adjusted to the dark by now. Sam and Dean made their way through the building, searching for this vampire that they've been able to track down here. Although, it wasn't what was on their minds.

"We should've taken him back to Bobby's." Dean spoke very quietly, seeing as there was not a single other sound in the whole building.

"If we did, more people would've gotten hurt by the time we got back." Sam answered, which was true and Bobby was even the one to tell them that. "He's in the car, he'll be fine as long as he—"

Just then, they hear a whole lot of movement coming from their left as if someone or something had tripped. Then they hear a voice quietly grumble, "God damnit." As that when they realize.

Sam and Dean march over to the source of the noise, and step around the corner to reveal to them that the little Winchester was getting up off the floor after having tripped on some pipes as he cursed silently to himself.

"Landon? you were suppose to be in the car!" Sam whisper shouted as he reached forward and kindly took the boy's arm, aiding him in getting up from the messy pipes.

"I was, now i'm not." Landon shrugged casually as he brushed off the dust from his clothes.

Dean was angry, he was so angry that this boy had gone against Bobby—who took him in without question and gave him a life that was better than any foster system or street corner he'd be living on. Then, when Bobby instructed him to stay out of Sam and Dean's way he intentionally goes against that, again.

That's why Dean grabbed Landon by collar of his jacket and lifted him up and away from all the loose pipes. But it wasn't to be helpful, it wasn't to be kind—it was to allow Dean the chance to say, "You think this is a joke? You think you're here to mess around? This is dangerous—life or death kind of dangerous!" Dean's voice raised ever so slightly just above a whisper.

Landon looked up at Dean with a mix of annoyance and fear, because Dean's never looked at him so angry. Never spoken to him like this and that struck a fear in Landon. Yet, at the same time, Landon was annoyed Dean thought he had the right to spoke to him and raise his voice at him—as if the opinion of Dean would make Landon be better.

Sam hit Dean's arm, one—to make him drop the kid in his grip and two—to gesture to the whatever he was seeing. Once Dean released the boy, they both turned to more important matters. A pool of blood.

The Winchester rush over, Landon falling behind as he let the older two take lead. At first the two giant men covered Landon's view of the scene, then when they both crouched down—Landon caught sight of a man lying on the ground, his throat nearly ripped out as blood pooled around him.

What was the worst part, was that he was still alive. He was choking on his own blood, and gasping for air when they all knew he was getting what he needed.

"Where is she? Where'd she go?" Dean asked, not bothering much else other than the vampire they were hunting. The man seemed to understand this, as he weakly gestured to the exit. Dean didn't stick around much longer, he was quick to run after this monster.

Sam and Landon remained, Sam was continuously reassuring the man that he'd be okay. All while Landon stood back, his back pressed against the wall as he stared at the scene in front of him. The blood sparkling in his vision as he thought back to that night—the night of his mom's death.

𝗕𝗢𝗬𝗦 𝗗𝗢𝗡'𝗧 𝗖𝗥𝗬 , supernaturalWhere stories live. Discover now