[00] I need your help

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THE ROADS WERE EMPTY, the sun was starting to set as the Winchester brothers-Sam and Dean, drove mindlessly down the road. The boys didn't speak much, for once Sam wasn't sure what to say. They've fought plenty, and Dean tried to fill the tension filled silence with dumb comments that only annoyed Sam further. Sam had learned about Dean's deal-his demon deal, that he made to bring Sam back to life.

The price was unforgivable, Sam couldn't believe that Dean thought reducing his life to one year was enough to bring Sam back. At the point, it shouldn't have been worth it. Sam couldn't imagine life without Dean, and he was mad-furious even, that Dean made the decision for him. The worst part was that Dean didn't even seem to care, he joked about it and laughed it off as if his life wasn't on ticking time.

On top of that, when Dean brought Sam back, nothing good came from it. The gates of hell had been opened and now more demons than they've ever even seen are walking the earth. Possessing people, ruining lives, and make a mess. Dean and Sam were the ones responsible to clean it up.

Suddenly, a phone started to ring and both boys simultaneously reached for theirs, only to find that it wasn't either of theirs that was ringing. Sam frowned his brows as he looked over at Dean, who gestured to the glovebox which is where they kept all their other phones. Sam popped it open, and searched through the sea of cell phones that they have collected.

Sam's hand touched the vibrating phone, and he pulled it out to reveal that it wasn't any of their phones-it was their dads. It was John Winchester's. Sam showed it to Dean, who glanced between it and the road. They both read the initials L.W. on the screen, making both of them look confused at each other.

When Sam answered it, he opened his mouth to speak and only managed to get, "Hello-" Before the voice on the other end cut him off.

"Is this John Winchester?"

It wasn't the question that had Sam shocked, it was the voice. So small, panicked and young. Sounded like a child, not a really young child but young enough that they shouldn't sound that scared. Young enough to confused Sam as to why a kid would have his dads phone number?

"Uh no, this is his son." Sam asked, looking over at Dean with a raised brow, while Dean looked between him and the road intensely waiting for an explanation. "Who's this?'

There was a long pause that followed, almost an eerie feeling came with it. Had it not been for the soft breathing he heard on the other line, he would've assumed that the kid hung up. Then, that scared voice came out and asked, "His son? John's your dad?"

Now this question had some even more confused, why would anyone who had John's number not know he had kids?

"Yeah, he's my dad, again-who's this?" Sam asked, and Dean then even hit Sam's arm to urge him to tell him what's happening. Sam just shrugged him away as the boy's voice started up again.

The boy's voice stammered for a second, as if he was trying to collect himself. Sam even heard the faint sound of sniffling, as if he'd been crying. Then, after he cleared his throat, he said "John gave me this number and told me to call if something bad happened and well, something bad happened."

The boy paused, once again taking a long deep breath, trying collect himself. Then, the boy continued speaking, and the pain in his voice as the next words left his mouth-Sam could hear it clear as day, "My moms been taken, she's in trouble and I don't know what to do."

𝗕𝗢𝗬𝗦 𝗗𝗢𝗡'𝗧 𝗖𝗥𝗬 , supernaturalWhere stories live. Discover now