[04] sorry bobby, I had to

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THE SOUND OF THUNDER, echoed the walls making little nine year old Landon pull the covers above his head. Landon wasn't known for being a scared kid but he also wasn't known for being brave. There were a large list of things Landon was scared of—like ants, the sound of popping balloons, reality TV and a million other things. But the list of things Landon genuinely fears is only three.

Those three being; Feeling alone, the unknown of the afterlife and lastly—thunder.

It was odd that thunder made it into the top three alongside the other two very rational fears. But to Landon, thunder felt like the whole world was shaking, like the house could come crashing down on him. The sounds were never consistent, they could range from a low rumble to a sudden loud crack.

For Landon, the thunder storms felt like they could paralyzed him and when he was in his bed with the covers over his head, he couldn't do anything but shake. He's crawled into a ball as he cried silently into his spider-man bedsheets.

Suddenly, Landon felt the bedside him start to dip and his body slowly moved backwards. He didn't react, he couldn't, he could be attacked right now and he wouldn't be able to stop it. That's when the blanket Landon was under lifted up only slightly, and he felt the warmth of his mother behind him.

Landon made the quick actions to roll over in bed and nuzzle himself into his mother's arms as she held him tightly. Landon kept his head in her chest and neck, as she brought her hand and caressed his beautiful curls. The boy just tried to focus on his mom, her beating her, her calm breathing and her comforting embrace.

"I got you little rabbit," Alice spoke soothingly when Landon flinched again at the thunder coming from the terrifying and beautiful nature outside. Landon believed her words, with everything in him, he believed her.

The only thing that has ever been known to calm Landon down even a little in this situation, was when Alice started to hum a song. Not just any song, but the song Beauty and the Beast from the movie. Which was strange, because Landon didn't like the movie, the beast scared him but the song never did. It soothed Landon, it always had and it was the only thing that helped him sleep as a baby.

Hearing the hummed tone, it eased Landon's shaking enough that he allowed his mom to pull the blanket down and tuck him in more. The blanket covered both of them, and she continued to hum until Landon ended up falling asleep in her arms. The safest place on earth.

Although these were the moments that Landon felt the most scared, it somehow worked out that it was when he felt the most safe. And in years to come, when Alice dies and Landon feels so scared he'll continue to look back on this moment and the ones like it. He'll try to remember what it was like to be wrapped in his moms arms and to listen to the sound of her humming.


It been weeks. Landon doesn't know how many because of the endless cycle that he's fallen into. It's like a loop on repeat, everyday feels the same and it goes by so fast yet so incredibly slow. It's hard for a teenage boy to be stuck in the house all day everyday, Bobby's done what he could—took the boy out to eat, get some more clothes and finally TV.

For the first week, Landon spent it in his bedroom watching tv loud enough to let Bobby and everyone else know he didn't want to be disturbed. What he was really doing was rereading his mom's journal over and over, trying to piece together parts of her story that he didn't know. He wouldn't even leave to eat dinner, Sam would bring the food to the door and Landon would leave the empty plate there.

𝗕𝗢𝗬𝗦 𝗗𝗢𝗡'𝗧 𝗖𝗥𝗬 , supernaturalDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora