First Week Frenzy

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Friday finally arrived, a beacon of relief after a crazy yet satisfying week. Thank God it's Friday! my subconscious said. It had been five days since classes started, and I couldn't believe how much had changed. Learning the ropes of college, meeting new people – it was an exciting event. My initial awkwardness had faded, replaced by the warmth of friendship. Beyond Marie, I'd found two other companions who made this new adventure all the more vibrant.

There was Marie, of course, the bubbly girl who had introduced herself on the first day. Her vibrant personality was only slightly eclipsed by her ever-present boyfriend, whom she talked about with an almost obsessive enthusiasm. Fashion Design was her true passion, but a careless registration had landed her in Motion Graphics instead. Shopping, boys, and skipping class were her favorite pastimes, a stark contrast to my own rule-abiding nature.

Then there was Sue Dimitri, a Muslim girl whose initial plan had been to delve into the world of computers. Unfortunately, the IT department was overflowing, and Motion Graphics became her unexpected destination. Though not her ideal path, she saw it as a stepping stone towards her original goal. Unlike Marie, relationships were a more complex dance for Sue. Her faith meant her boyfriend couldn't visit, the distance adding another layer to their connection.

Finally, there was Mackenzie Lee, the quintessential campus crush. Flawless beauty and a captivating aura made her a dream come true for every guy, myself included. While Marie was undeniably pretty, Mackenzie carried herself with an air of effortless grace and confidence. Though numerous boys yearned for a chance, none had managed to break through her walls. With looks like hers, dating someone equally exceptional was the unspoken expectation. Her heart, however, belonged to Kamari Baker, the IT department's resident heartthrob. Their high school romance had blossomed into a college love story, allowing them to continue their "usual routine" at the same university. Mackenzie wasn't initially drawn to Motion Graphics, but the challenge of sparking an interest in the subject piqued her curiosity.

Together, this eclectic group provided a kaleidoscope of personalities, each enriching my college experience in their own unique way. As I settled into this newfound rhythm, I couldn't help but wonder what the next adventure would bring.

As for me, my heart hummed with the same excitement I'd carried throughout the week. Even the gloomy sky, threatening rain, couldn't dampen my spirits. As I climbed the familiar stairs, my mind buzzed with plans for my first big city weekend. Unfortunately, my text to the girls the previous night, proposing a mall trip, had yielded no results; they already had plans.

Reaching for the doorknob of my Life Drawing class, I pushed open the door, my usual greeting on my lips. "Hey girls!" I chimed, offering them a bright smile. Weaving through the room, I settled beside Marie, the chatter immediately resuming. We indulged in our customary morning catch-up, laughter bubbling between us as we awaited the arrival of our teacher.

Suddenly, with a smile playing on my lips, I turned my head, checking if everyone had arrived. A flicker of movement in the corner of the room caught my eye. There, seemingly frozen in time, sat a guy of breathtaking handsomeness. His face, bathed in a soft light, was captivating, even with his attention seemingly captured by the music playing through his headphones. Time seemed to slow, my gaze locked on him in a daze. He was lost in his phone, oblivious to the silent observation, yet I couldn't tear my eyes away. The moment stretched, the air thickening with an unexpected tension. Just as he tilted his head, seemingly sensing my attention, I flinched, breaking eye contact and whipping my head back towards the girls.

My heart thumped a rapid tattoo against my ribs. Who is that? a voice whispered in the back of my mind, the question lingering in the silence that had fallen between us. The unexpected encounter had left me breathless, a spark igniting within me that promised to disrupt the quiet routine of my first week at college.

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