The Blind Bandit

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"It's pricey, but I really do like it." Sokka said as he was checking out this bag in a market.

"Then you should get it. You deserve something nice."

"I do Katara, Dont I.But no. It's too expensive. I shouldn't."

"Alright then don't."

After Katara and Sokka went on about the bag we all walked away from Sokka to check out some other places. After a few minutes of looking around a man came up to us.

"Hey,you kids like Earthbending? You like throwing rocks? Then check out Master Yu's earthbending academy." The man said handing me and Aang a flyer.

"Aang look there's a coupon on the back. The first lesson is free."

"Thats great, and who knows maybe this Master Yu could be our teacher."

Me and Aang went to the academy to check it out. They had given us uniforms to get into so we did. We went out and Master Yu started.

"Take your stances. Now strike as if you're punching through your opponent's head." He said.

The kids in front of us started to lift a rock and shot them at us. Me and Aang couldn't do anything because we didn't know how. Turns out the academy wasn't really for us.

As we were leaving we decided to go back to the market for some things. I wandered off and overheard this boy talking about some earth bending match with his friend.

"Where can I go to see this?"

"None of your business."

"Please I really want to go."

"No" He said walking away with his friend.

"Okay then" I said walking away. I went to go meet back with the gang to talk to them about the tournament when they started talking to the boy I was talking too.

"Oh hey guys, hey what are u doing?"

"We asked this guy to tell us where the earth bending tournament was going to be. Then he just walked away." Aang said.

Katara went after him and found out where it was being held.

"So Alana how did you know that guy?" Aang asked

"We met in town and I asked him about the earth bending tournament. And he was so rude about it."

"Hey whos ready to find an earth bending teacher!" Katara said running back interrupting us.

We went to the tournament and sat front row.

"I wonder why no one is sitting here." Aang said sitting down. We followed him when a man flew towards us nearly hitting us.

Suddenly a man came out of the ground earthbending. "Welcome to Earth Rumble 6. I am your host. Xin Fu." He said as the crowd went wild.

"This is just going to be a bunch of guys chucking rocks at each other, isn't it?" Katara said looking down at her nails.

"Thats what I payed for" Sokka said really excited.

"The rules are simple. Just knock the other guy out of the ring, and you win. ROUND ONE! The Boulder versus the Big Bad Hippo"

A bell rang and two men appeared.

I couldn't really hear what they were saying but you could tell they were talking smack.

After a couple of rounds of watching people get thrown out of the ring, we were about to watch the finale.

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