Chapter 7

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The Elizabreath struggled to recall the depths at which diamonds in Minecraft could be found, while eating the mouldy pringle that she had stashed in her eyebrow. Suddenly, she heard a screech that both resembled a broken rice cooker and a prehistoric bird. Transforming into her final emo princess traumatised wolf demon angel hybrid gorilla form, she pranced like greasy mosquito down to the source of the otherworldly sound.

Turns out, it was just Boomquifa. Switching on her cool girl rizz face, she stared into Boomquifa's soul, exploring the ingredients in her dinner she had previously consumed.

"Give chez 👹", she ordered valiantly like a miniscule large scorched ice cube.

"Non", Boomquifa replied, turning around while demonstrating the queen wave she had been practicing in her free time.

Disturbed by the action, Boomquifa asked, "There are no mosquitos greases for you to swat. It would be better for you to swat the cheese in the laptop on the running table."

Intrigued by her apparent super duper miraculous intelligente idea, Boomquifa Naruto ran off, setting off several more Jashrieks.

It seemed as if the Jashrieks entranced The Elizabreath, urging her to eat more eyebrow pringles.

Chardonnay galloped to Maths with Mr Chwa, actually holding the materials needed for his next class as he gracefully horse-liked ran. 

Furthermore, (he scoffed, reminding himself of how smart and deserving of being an intelligente he was, even using a word with more than 10 letters how Einstein) he had his bad boy wig on. It turned out that the mysterious figure was somewhat bothered by his added bad boy-ness and had left him alone for the last couple of days.

Too bad karma wasn't on his side. Immediately, a small lgoblgobogboglbogloblg rang in his ears. The signature call of that vague being. Appearing on his right, donned with a Northe Oldern bucket hat and, this time, he noticed, sunglasses with sparkly heart shaped frames and green zinc sunscreen around it's cheekbones.

To his horror, he gradually realized (after honing in his reading stills that had long been left to collect dust) that the neon monstrosity made up the letters: M, U, R, D, A, U.

Murda u. He shivered. And paused. But only long enough for the person to wipe the letters off and drink it. Ugh!

Immediately forgetting this, he turned around and galloped with a lot less vallance than he had before. Control your breathing, he thought. He needed to run for a long time to allow for the being to lose his trail.

Also, he regretfully thought back to his decision to wear half a bottle of Claire's body spray. Now, he would smell like "rainbow sprinkle baby horse hooves", whatever that meant.

Sniffing out Chardonnay with it's superior sniffy nose, it sniffed. Breaking it's walk into a sprint, it chased after Chardonnay like a uwu princess wolf hybrid, it's lengthy limbs flailing around like flags on flagpoles.

But what the being had forgotten, was that it was Tuesday. Opposite day. Chardonnay swiftly turned around, and charged toward his pursuer. It ran away, huffing in displeasure and mumbling "loblolbolgoblgoblo".

Spartacus watched the series of events from afar, marvelling in Chardonnay's bravery. Perhaps, he could allow for another exception to his "only those who have learnst the boxing" rule...

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