🌄🔆 Chapter 14 🔆🌄

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Not far into the sprawling palace, the guards stopped Maxim and Q'inde. "Only the humans shall enter the throne room."

The drahke bristled. "They stay with us. We found them."

A new pair of guards came up behind them. "King's orders."

Aurelia stepped in before a fight could break out. "It's alright. We'll be fine. Just wait here, okay?"

Q'inde's jaw was set, but they put a placating hand on Maxim's arm. "Very well."

Alexan lightly grasped their best friend's sleeve to remind them of their proximity as they were ushered forward. They both held their breath as guards opened the doors to the throne room.

Soaring ceilings with tall windows filled the room with a golden glow, even despite the dimmed light of the sun. A rich red carpet led to the end of the room where a raised dias boasted an awe-inspiring throne. Lining the path were regal chairs, then a few ottoman cushions.

The place was filled with fabulously dressed people and creatures dripping in jewels, velvets, and silks. Gossamer wings, ears, and tails swished as all eyes turned to the doors.

Whispers in a dozen languages followed their path to the dias. On the throne sat an elegant and ethereally beautiful elf. With tanned skin, white hair, and piercing blue eyes, his formal regalia put to shame the opulence of his courtiers. Rather than being adorned in gems, it was the impossibly intricate patterns woven into the silk that lent him his royal air. Calm and, telling by his stature, strong as well, the king regarded the entrants curiously.

One of the guards knelt before the throne. "Your Majesty. These illegals claim to be... human."

The room fell silent for a heartbeat before erupting into speculation and shock. His eyes widened as he slowly rose from his throne. "Human? Truly?"

"Yes, your highness," Aurelia said.

He looked them over & nodded. "Yes... I sense magic only from the amulet. Well then. I am King Kaidan Antell of Velaan." Stepping down from the dias, he extended a hand, his expression gentle. "Fear not. I will protect you both. Welcome to Sarana."

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