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Today is a Sunday. I do my self care on Sundays to begin my week but I have one appointment for hair today.

My own.

Yes yes ofc I do hair but I'm sure yall want to know how I ended up where I am today and why am I polyamory,

Okay so boom, what had happened was....

I grew up with that basic American dream of a black mixed family.

Oh wait no I didn't...I meant I grew up with the usual only child scheme in which your parents had you early in their relationship out of wedlock and pawned me off to any babysitter on the black for $20 an hour until I was 15.

Then they just left a few twenties on the counter and a note that said don't open the door for no one we'll be back soon.

Yeah and soon was always a week later.

They traveled to Jamaica and places like fucking Ibiza or something and then decided to come back not because they missed me but because they needed more of their own stuff.

That was the next 3 years of my life up until age 18.

Living on my own treating myself. Paying for the shit I needed with the little bit they left.

Hence why I started taking the money from them after I figured their bank information out to save up because I just always had a felling it'd all run out. Soon enough they would give up on ever leaving the few dollars if they remembered they had an offspring.

Life was great. Cue the sarcasm.

"Get back to the point." I whisper to myself as I massage my scalp with oil after blow drying it.

I freeze for a second and look around the hotel room I'm occupying for the cameras.

"Yes I talk to myself and! Yall gone eat This shit up one day when I drop my memoir." I say to myself as I start sectioning off my hair to part it easier.

So basically life wasn't a struggle monetary wise but it also wasn't easy. I feel like a terrible person because I truly was more blessed than most people are and I don't feel that I took that for granted but it can seem that way whenever I do complain about the situations that wasn't fair in my life, since people have it worse all of a sudden I'm the one who's ungrateful.

Like my feelings was suddenly invalid because I had a roof over my head and food to eat. I know it sounds bitchy as fuck I hear it.

Whatever....I have the trauma to validate my experiences you just can't see the shit because it's mental. Emotional, never physical.

Those are the worst scars.

I'm kind of lucky. At least they didn't damage me as bad as I think they could've if they stuck around to try and fail at raising me.

Now I'm done talking about the parents.

My bi curious energy popped up around I want to be accurate here, like 8th grade or 9th.

I mean I always had the butterflies for the pretty girls in my class but it wasn't until I started doing hair foreal foreal and everybody was popping up around me to get they shit laid did I see the range of the bounds of my attraction.

From the dude that came to me for retwists and the women who wanted lace fronts and box braids to the ass.

Oh yeah let's not forget the masculine presenting women too because baby when I tell you sometimes when they got in my chair or if they preferred to be sitting on the floor which left them in between my legs... a time was had.

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