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I see the look on your face, I see you're hidin' the hate
I see you're lookin' for someone to scoop you right off of your feet
You want to ride in the Wraith
You want to go out on dates
You want somebody to come bring you flowers
Someone to talk to for hours
Wash your back while y'all sit in the shower
Someone to tell you, "You're beautiful"
Someone to tell you and mean it
Someone to tell you, "I love you, " every day and don't got a-
You want someone to bring you peace (uh)
Someone to help you sleep (yeah)
Someone to pick you up, when you're feelin' down, feelin' lonely
Somebody who can make it better
Somebody who can open up those gates
Open up those gates to your heart
Only if you'll let me...


Life is never the same or even fair most of the time so I live by the motto of taking in life in the moments not the milestones because life happens in the journey to the destination not when you reach said destination. 

my name is Arya Milan yeah, my parents named me with two first names but I love it an you either will or won't it's no skin off my back trust.

I'm currently aged 19 turning 20 in a few months or well 9 months to be exact.

I'm a September baby and as much as black people claim to hate the zodiac shit I fucks with it okay and will continue to believe in it.

Libra gang forever.

Favorite song by toosii plays in my earbuds as I stroll down the street leaving the neighborhood I once occupied and called home only to be kicked out when I never expected it.

My parents or egg and sperm donor ditched me once and for all tonight. How? Oh yeah so they never truly cared for me or brought me up I basically raised myself just with their resources. They are always jetting around the world doing whatever bullshit their big corporate jobs tell them to and forgetting I exist so I stayed home and did my own things.

I graduated highschool early got my diploma in 3 years instead of four and got my cosmetology license earlier this year.

At 19 none the less but apparently it's not what my parents wished for or wanted for me because they sure did just sell the house I was living in with no notice for me hell even the new owners who arrived just a bit ago where shocked an thought I was squatting in it.

Had to beg them not to call the cops and just let me call my sorry excuse for parents yet they didn't answer like usual and I had to pull out all my legal information to prove I was living there.

They then turned up the pity from 100 to 1000. I hated that so I propositioned and begged for at least enough time to pack up all my shit and leave before they had the place emptied.

So that's what I did I gathered all my valuables in these big ass suitcases and tossed them near the front door before I went back to the one place I rarely visited but once a month in the house.

My stash. It hold all the money I make from hair and nails. Money I also may have taken from my parents. I mean they wouldn't notice it missing no way especially since I took it in medium increments over time till I had a hell of a lot saved.

So no I'm no where near broke and won't be for ages but now I gotta find a place to stay and get a car.

I have a motorcycle but that is in the shop till the end of the week.

Starting to think I should've gotten a car before a bike but we live and we learn.

Speaking of living and finding a place for the night I know there's some hotels near me.

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