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{Flash back of her life leading up to meeting Malachi} /( 21 years ago total yet when she reach's aged 19 will be 15 years ago, when she met Malachi)

Ever since I knew what attraction and desire was which was fairly young to be honest I remember the feelings that would well up in my heart at the site of a really truly beautiful woman.

Platonically is where it all stemmed though because at the age of 13 all you could think of was how the beautiful women were and wonder if you'd ever look like them and want them to teach you all it takes to be a diva.

Then by age 14 I was attempting to paint my face the same way I saw the women do even though I could argue they looked better than usual without it.

By time I aged to 15 I could've sworn I struck gold when I was out shopping with friends from school and saw a masculine presenting woman a feminine presenting woman walking down the mall strip with love in their eyes and no care in the world for anything but each other. Even with the looks of disgust or something similar on the public's faces when they gave public displays of affection.

I however ate it all up completely. Wishing to be either one of them.

But of course I was only 15 full of hormones and not sure if I was confused as most put it or destined to rot in hell.

No win in the eyes of the people.

I personally couldn't wait till I could experience everything on my own.

Now by 16 oh lord I discovered books and not like I never read in my life books but books that were meant for those a couple years older than me and full of the raunchy, desire filled fictional worlds in which if I could transport myself into with the snap of a finger I would.

Erotica books became my whole passion as well as the suitcase I hid them in thanks to the less than discreet covers. That was until I discovered kindle. In which I could download all the forbidden books I wanted and no one would know what I was reading on the tablet sized e reader in my hand.

Life was great.

Jumping to age 17 was a blissful year of fictional women and Men. Which I soon at age 18 discovered I liked both.

No I wasn't confused I simply wanted the best of both worlds. And I knew even then that the world I grew up in would not be accepting of my love. The way I lived was foreign, alien to them and they were scared it baffled me since why be scared of what I like? It's not contagious.

There's murders happening everywhere and you're scared of who I like to kiss? Make it make sense please.

It wasn't until that one day the Barnes and nobles was closed and I ended up at my university's on campus library in which I met the love of life.


He was studying for his double major courses and my clumsy and foolish 19 year old self thought he worked there and asked him where the erotica section was. Much to my dismay he laughed at me loudly earning us a stern shush warning from the librarian.

The frown in my face grows as I shift uncomfortably.

And when he finally managed to wipe the tears out of his eyes he looked at me like really looked at me and said. "You know this is a university library right?"

I clutched my crossbody bag close to me with turned up lips & squinted eyes. "So I'll take that as you don't work here, goodbye." I turned briskly on my heels only to be yanked back by an hand on my wrist.

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