Chapter 29

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There is no real ending.
It's just the place where you stop the story.
~ Frank Herbert

Chapter 29
Sonny mutters some expression of annoyance as he struggles to make the latest order he has received, this fourth order since the site went up. I think this one is supposed to be a dress.

Beatrice sits on the couch reading one of her books while I lay on the floor, trying to study for final exams while a movie plays in the background.

The only moment away from my siblings I have gotten was when Bea's boyfriend showed up to visit for a few hours. He didn't stay long, which is unusual for him, they are practically inseparable whenever he visits, so I can only assume he took the rest of his time to see Alexandria, per my sister's request.

The thought of her must do something to my face because Bea puts her book down like she is waiting for me to say something.

I love that they care enough to spend every waking moment with me but it feels like a constant reminder of all my problems.

I've gone to two parties with my frat, both of which Alexandria was not at, however her 'sisters' were, who were happy to tell me that eyeliner or not they would happily entertain me for the night if we weren't against the rules. Maybe it was the alcohol but it nearly made me sick, so I went home and laid in bed for the rest of the night.

So when my brothers invited me for a party tonight, I stayed home with my family. I figure it's time I get off my ass and stop moping, so I picked up a few extra shifts at work and started putting all my focus into my schoolwork.

The doorbell rings, drawing all of our attention. As usual, I am the one to open the door and see who it is, usually a package or solicitors, I can't say any of us have many visitors besides Bea and Alexandria never rang the doorbell.

Nobody is standing at the door, but there is a figure retreating to her car that I recognize instantly. For a second, I step outside the door to run after her, desperate to see her again, but the better half of me stops myself and demands I stay strong. When I retreat inside, I kick a small velvet box that skids across the porch and under the door. I lean down to pick it up and my heart drops at the sight.

I don't know what I hoped she was here for—maybe to talk to me, to give me some reasonable excuse for why she did what she did so I could forgive her and we could go back to us—a foolish thought. I should have known she was here only to return the ring.

I don't bother opening the ring box to see if it is actually inside, I don't care. I have no need for it. I toss it in the bowl of junk that sits by our door and return to my family. They ask me who it was and since I've promised to stop lying I have no choice but to tell them the truth and insist I don't wish to talk about it.

Bea respects my wishes but the look on her face shows me how badly she misses her friend and I realize I need to get up off my ass and let this whole situation go so that she can go back to her best friend. I know she won't see Alexandria until she is sure I am okay, and I am not certain I ever will be, but I will not be the reason my sister loses her other half.

My phone pings but I don't check it, a habit I have gotten used to. I try to regain my focus but all I can think about is Alexandria, for the agonizing hour that we sit in that room and do nothing. Somewhere along the line Estrella wakes from her nap and finds us in the room, taking a spot on my leg. Her collar tag has been switched out with Alexandria's and I can only tell because while Ryder and Estrella had a dog tag shaped collar Alexandria's was a more dainty style, that Estrella now wears.

Beatrice is quick to grab Estrella and drag her to her seat, which Estrella is happy to comply with. Sonny is still upstairs putting away his project when I bring up Alexandria to Bea as she cuddles Estrella. "You should go to her showcase."

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