Chapter 18

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He had a bloody awful childhood, like I had.
Those things get passed on and on.
~ Iris Murdock

Okay so I can't attach a song to todays chapter for some reason but todays song is Perfectly Wrong by Shawn Mendes.

Chapter 18
I park my bike sloppily in the drive and throw my helmet off. I am in too much of a hurry to get into my empty house that I do not notice the extra car in my driveway. My siblings should both be at school but when I swing the door open my sister and Alexandria lay on the couch. Their eyes follow the sound of the door slamming shut and find me. Shit.

"Are you okay?" My sister asks from the couch, unable to walk to me after her surgery, one foot bandaged and a set of crutches beside her on the floor.

"I'm good," I try to assure her but I know she can see straight through me.

Anger ripples through me, pounding in my skull and I know that if I stay here, I will explode and my sister will realize how messed up I truly am, so I go to my room instead, ignoring her protests. I slam the door against my volition and lock it, though she cannot follow me here, not up the stairs with her healing foot.

I pace around the confines of my small room, trying to remember the methods Ms. T had taught me but they all seemed pointless. I should have killed him. I could have killed him. It took everything in me not to.

A soft knock sounds from the door. "Klaus?"

I freeze, staring at the door. I don't answer.

"Richard sent me after you. Will you open the door?"

My sister sent her after me? "I don't need you here." I can't let her see me like this.

I grab the stress ball off my nightstand and squeeze it so hard it almost pops. She doesn't leave and I can see the shadows of her feet under the door. "Open the door. If you don't, Richard is just going to make me carry her up here, and I do not have enough upper body strength to do that successfully."

She was right, my sister would, and I would have no choice but to open the door then. I stall, and wait until she sighs and her shadow retreats to open the door. She stops by the stairs and turns to face and then she walks into my room and closes the door. "What happened?" She asks.

I try my best not to think about it, putting my anger into the tiny silicone ball in my hand. "Nothing."

She looks me up and down and raises her brows. "Clearly."

"I don't need you to patronize me. Will you just tell her I'm fine?"

"She won't believe me." She sits on my bed. "So what happened?"

I can't stop myself, I tell her the story in bits and pieces that she clearly can't understand. She doesn't get that the reason I am so pissed is because come guy called her a whore and she doesn't understand the reason I can't calm down is because I am lying to my sister, she doesn't understand because I only answer her in choppy, unfinished sentences but she does the best with what she can.

But the memories of it bring my bloods to boil and I can't even look at her. She is the reason I am lying because I can't stop myself from craving her. Because I can't stay away and the thought of never touching her again is enough to bring me to my knees. I need her to stay far away but I can't stand her being gone.

I curse and throw the stress ball from my hand. It smacks my nightstand and knocks a trinket off. The trinket falls to the ground, hitting a drawer on the way and shatters. I don't even notice, what I do notice is Alexandria jumping, her eyes growing wide and I nearly puke at the sight. What kind of monster am I? When she's regained her composure, she stands to try to comfort me but I have already stilled, staring at her in horror. Her every word goes in one ear and out the other until I manage to choke out, "You should go."

It All Started with a LieOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz