Chapter 19

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You will always fall in love, and it will always be like having your throat cut, just that fast.
~ Catherynne M. Valente

Chapter 19
I sigh, tossing my phone to the side and flopping down on the glorious, hotel, king size bed. It sinks around me, engulfing me in a mass of blankets.

How in the world I am spending Valentine's Day alone, I do not know. I should having hot and sweaty hotel sex right now, but no, Klaus had to cancel at the last minute and I couldn't even be mad at him for it. But I could blame my brother.

He was supposed to fly home to take Richard out for Valentine's Day, but his flight got delayed. Then Sonny's boyfriend, canceled their plans at the last minute, and so naturally, they planned a lonely Valentine's Day where they'd watch chick flicks and eat enough sugar to lift their spirits. And since Klaus is single and as far as they know, free for the evening since he'd taken off work, they so graciously invited him and now I am alone on Valentine's Day.

I had thought about calling one of my previous hookups to spend the night with me, but everyone I knew that was down for casual sex, had plans or isn't interesting enough. I wasn't looking for a three minute hookup where I'd have to fake an orgasm and he'd make me spoon with him for an hour after and the only woman who I knew was free tonight, was in another country for the week, so I have no choice but to spend my time in this beautiful hotel room alone.

At least that is what I tell myself, but there are plenty of people I could call tonight, but he's the only one I want tonight

I thought about joining their movie night when Richard invited me, but it seemed like a shame to let this room go to waste, but as I sit here alone, in my favorite nightgown and slippers, watching television, it feels like every other night I've spent alone in my empty apartment, and suddenly I would give anything to be in that tiny, crowded room with her family, screaming at chick flicks and stuffing our mouths with candy.

I scroll through the tv channels and snack on ice chips—the hotel has the good kind that are shaped like stars—while I try to find something the least bit entertaining. I would kill for a slice of pizza instead. There was a time in my life when I'd sit and eat an entire pizza whole, now I only let myself have it twice a year—unless Richard convinces me otherwise, she knows I can't resist a meat lover's pizza.

I finally find a show that draws my attention: a true crime documentary. I am about half way through it, and down to two guesses on the killer when there is a knock at the door. My brows draw together as I stare at the direction of the sound. "Yeah?" I yell and grab my pepper spray from the counter, not prepared to be the next victim they made a documentary on.

"It's me," I know the voice instantly, but I still double check through the peephole for safe measure.

I open the door and Klaus stands in the doorway, grinning beautifully, his button up half undone, his hair a lazy mess, his helmet under his arm. Gods, he's gorgeous.

His smile is contagious. "What are you doing here?" I ask.

But he is no longer listening, and instead of his lovely smile, his lips are parted slightly, his cheeks flushed as he just stares at me. I instinctively wipe my face to see if I have something on it. "What?" I ask when I find nothing.

He shakes his head. "Nothing, it's just," he pauses and his eyes wander my face, his voice growing soft, "You're beautiful."

I snort out a laugh. "Are you drunk?"

He rolls his eyes. "Do you always act this way when a guy compliments you?"

"Do you always show up at girls hotels room and tell them they're," I raise the pitch of my voice and clasp my hands by my ear, popping my foot in a cutsie pose, "'beautiful'."

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