Chapter 16

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Being single and alone is nice,
until you are sick or hurt
and there is no one to check up on you.
~ De philosopher DJ Kyos

Chapter 16
Since meeting her brother, the use of Richard's house key has become far more frequent. Its pretty sheen has begun to wear from use and it is a beautiful sight. I feel almost giddy as I get to use it again, slipping it into the lock. It is different this time. I do not have to fight the lock to turn for me, as if it isn't quite sure this is the right key. This time, it glides like butter and turns instantly. It is so unexpected, I nearly break a nail using more force than it requires. I guess someone finally got around to fixing the broken lock. "Richard!" I yell as I enter.

There is no response. The entire house is quiet and dark. I scan the room for any signs of life and when I find none I look to see what is in the driveway: only a car, so someone is home. "Richard!" I shout again, heading upstairs to check her room.

She should have beat me home with time to spare but when I check her room it is empty, as is Sonny's and the bathroom. I do not go into Klaus's room, it feels too personal to barge in without permission when he is not there. But with the other rooms empty, he must be home.

The door to his room is cracked ever so slightly, but the room is too dark for me to peak in. I decide he can not be home and move past it. I cannot tell if I am relieved to know he is not here or if I am disappointed. I have not seen him for a week and he will not answer my messages. The last interaction we had was at movie night, when he rushed out, practically running away from me. I'd only messaged him twice. The first one, a completely usual message for us in the last few weeks. He didn't answer. And a second message to make sure I was being ignored. No answer. I will not embarrass myself more by texting him a third time.

At first, I thought Richard had found out about us, but she has been her usual ray of sunshine, so she can't have. Now, I don't know what to think.

I return to Richard's room, making a spot on the bed for myself before calling her. She picks up in one ring. I expect our usual lines when she picks up but instead I am greeted with, "Claudia, I'm so sorry!"

"What happened? I thought we were supposed to meet at your house at three?" I ask, playing with end of one of her blankets.

I can hear the sheer panic in her voice, and it almost makes me laugh. As if she could ever think I'd be mad at her for this. She is the only person who can stand me up and I won't doubt for a second there is anything less than a reasonable excuse. She took a breath. "I know, I know. We were, but Ryder flew in to surprise me and I was so shocked that I totally forgot to call and let you know I'd be late."

My brothers in town? "Ryder's home? For how long?"

She giggles and I know he must be beside her as I hear her whisper a scolding and push him away. "A few days, he flew in for my surgery." Her smile beams in her words and I cannot possible be mad at her.

And yet disappointed still curls around my ribs and tries to suffocate me. He didn't tell me he was in town. "That's amazing, Richard. You two have fun and we'll go out another day."

"No way! Tonight's our last night of fun before my surgery, we have to go out." She pauses to think for a moment. "Ryder has to go in to see Mateo's family for dinner tonight so how about we go out then? You can hang out at my house till I get there and we'll leave as soon as I get home and spend the whole night out."

"All nighter, I'm in," I beg she cannot hear the ache in my voice, an ache that should not be there to begin with. He has been this way since our dad died. I should not be surprised.

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