Chapter 14

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The news had been covering this case but the coverage boomed after they shared that a body had been found. They were just waiting to identify it. Even though no one wanted to say it, we mutually thought that it was Andrea.
A few weeks later, there was a news update that the body was confirmed to be seventeen year old Andrea Bishop. I happened to be at the trailer with Beatrice when the news broke and tried to comfort her as she let out heartbreaking screams from losing her daughter for good. I was all cried out by this point but it obviously still hurt to know that Andrea was actually gone, not just missing anymore.
However, when it was released to the public that Antonio David Salazar and Olivia Rose McAllen were arrested for her murder, it was my turn to scream. I couldn't believe that one of my closest friends had been responsible for killing her. And they were friends too so this really didn't make sense to me. I wasn't surprised to hear this about Olivia; I always got a weird vibe from her. All of our friends and families were just as shocked, especially about Tony. They must've also thought that Tony would never hurt someone, let alone plot and execute a murder.
It took six months but the trial had finally started. I was tempted to stay home but changed my mind. When they were found guilty, I wanted to hear this for myself and know that they'll rot away in their jail cells. It's a good thing I did because I was called up to testify anyway. The whole trial was televised, which I would've given a bigger shit about if it was something cool, not a fucking trial for murder.
They brought up Olivia's apparent claim that she saw me commit breaking and entering on multiple occasions and basically asked if there was any truth to that. I had a choice to make: own up to my crimes even if they're just misdemeanors or deny it to keep the spotlight where it should be- on the two soulless murderers that killed my best friend. It was an easy decision. I answered that this was incorrect and my mom could confirm that I was actually home during those times. They eventually finished questioning me and moved on to other witnesses.
The trial lasted for two months, but it was finally time for their sentences to be read. We held our breath as they were found guilty of all charges. That being said, they were found guilty of first degree murder and were sentenced to twenty five years to life. The idea that could ever get out made me sick. I saw Beatrice's face when she heard that; she didn't think that it was nearly enough either. Her daughter wasn't alive because of these two fuckers and they could possibly be walking the streets if they were granted parole. Even if they were, I would never want to see either of them again, but especially Antonio. Not even if he got out and claimed to be a changed man. Antonio was dead to me.

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