𝖩𝗎𝗌𝗍 𝖹𝗈𝗈 𝖳𝗁𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌 - 𝖢𝗁𝗋𝗂𝗌

Start from the beginning

Chris was slowly losing his battle in the fight against his anxious thoughts. He was trying incredibly hard to do it himself, not wanting to annoy Matt and Nick. They looked so peaceful in the bed. Nick was furtherest away from Chris' view, Matt was closest. Matt was rolled onto his side and facing Chris. The youngest wanted desperately to wake him up, he knew one of his brother's hugs would solve all of his problems in this moment. 

"You okay?" Matt's voice broke the silence in the room. Chris was thinking his brother had a sixth sense. 

"Nooo," Chris spoke honestly. 

"What's wrong?" Matt's voice was raspy. He grabbed for his phone on the nightstand to provide a bit of light. 

"I just-I" Chris didn't know how to explain himself, "I guess I just got freaked out like of the animals," Chris felt a wave of embarrassment hit him after he admitted his fears out loud. 

"Why don't you come in the bed with Nick, I'll sleep there okay?" Matt was quick with his problem solving. 

Chris' chest tightened, this time out of appreciation and the realization of how much his brother truly cared about him. A simple act, but Matt had no hesitation swapping his brother for the less desirable sleeping condition. Chris could've cried thinking about it. His exhaustion mixed with his natural intensity of emotions had him slightly tearing up. 

"C'mere," Matt took the covers off of himself and placed his feet on the ground. 

The older, reached out his hand for Chris to grab. Matt helped Chris out of the cot and pulled him in for a hug. He enclosed his brother in his arms. Running a comforting hand up and down Chris' back. 

"You're really okay?" Matt asked sincerely. 

Chris just nodded, his head rested in the crook of Matt's neck. The older swayed them both, giving Chris a moment to relax. Matt pulled away gently, he placed his hands on either side of Chris' cheeks, making eye contact with his matching blue eyes. 

"You're alright, go lay with Nick get some sleep okay everything is fine," The confidence in Matt's tone was enough to cure Chris' worry. 

Matt pulled back the blankets on the bed and allowed Chris to climb in. The dip in the mattress caused Nick to stir, he turned over to face the commotion.

"What's going on?" Nick mumbled, barely awake. 

"Nothing, Chris couldn't sleep, he's okay now," Matt spoke for his brother. 

Nick reached over to the night stand and turned on the light, illuminating the tent. 

"Did you have a nightmare?" Nick asked his brother, Chris was now laying down in the bed. 

"No, well kinda, I just was anxious about outside but I tried to calm down how Matt taught me to," Chris' words were fast and slurred, the over tiredness hitting him. 

"I'm sorry sweetheart, why don't you and Matt take the bed, I want to cut this bracelet off anyway and go to the bathroom, so you guys can have the bed and I'll take the cot," Nick explained. 

"You sure?" Matt asked him, "I don't mind," 

"Yeah, yeah, it's alright, there's only a few hours left anyway and I'm going to head to the bathroom so you're okay here," Nick's voice was soft. 

"Thank you, I'm sorry," Chris felt bad he was causing such an upset. 

"Chris," Nick leaned over to his brother, stroking his cheek with his finger, "it's really okay, I wouldn't do it if it wasn't and you know that," Nick smiled. 

Chris let out a small laughed at the comment, "okay Nicky," 

"Okay, now get some sleep." Nick left the bed in search of something to cut off his bracelet with. He quickly settled on just ripping it off of his wrist before making his way out of the tent to the bathrooms.

Matt pushed Chris over onto where Nick had been sleeping, so he himself could crawl into the bed. Chris was met with warmth underneath him, feeling the body heat Nick had left behind. He took comfort in the faint smell of Nick's cologne on the pillow. He closed his eyes, there was a stingy sensation, a direct result of how tired he was. He squeezed his eyes to get rid of the feeling and a few tears made trails down his cheeks.  He felt arms pull him, his head gently placed on Matt's chest. The older had moved Chris so he was cuddled up to him. Chris could feel Matt's hands run through his hair, fingertips glided around his scalp. The sound of Matt's heartbeat grounded him to the present, reminding him he was safe in trusted arms. 

He forced himself to stay awake until he hear Nick return to the tent. Once he did Chris let himself be lulled to sleep by Matt's comfort, staying asleep until he heard a megaphone make an announcement outside about breakfast being ready. He reluctantly removed himself from Matt's embrace and started his morning routine. He got dressed as he watch Nick start to vlog their morning.  

I hope y'all enjoyed this short little story <33 And I hope everyone in having a great weekend xx 

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