A Feeling That'll Never Really Go Away

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Paul POV

This is another one-shot, not related to the other one I wrote about Percy and Paul

 I was having a nice dinner with Sally when there was a sharp banging against the door. We both halted, our glasses half filled with red wine stopped midway to our lips, at the sound. This felt like a scene right out of a horror movie: it was dark and raining outside and there was an unexpected visitor.

I glanced at Sally and saw her looking in complete ease. She looked happy and thankful, if I was being completely honest with myself. She seemed to look outside the window, give the clouds a thankful smile, and then went on her merry way to open the door.

"Wait, Sally!" I whisper-shouted, hoping that she'd get the hint and come back. "Come back dear!"

"It's fine!" she playfully whisper-shouted in return, a smile gracing her lips. As much as I loved seeing this expression on her, this was not funny. What if someone is out there with a gun? I follow behind Sally, staying a few steps away, but still close enough. To do what, I have no idea.

Sally peered through the peephole and then quickly opened the door, a look of relief flashing through her face.

"Percy!" she cried out, reaching over to embrace the young boy that was standing at our front door, half soaked from the rain and sporting numerous cuts and bruises. Well, I think he was half soaked. He seemed dry, but wet at the same time.

Wait a minute.


As in her son, Percy?

As in the famous/infamous son of the woman I'm currently dating.

Have I mentioned that this was the son I've never met before.

And I'm dating his mother.

Oh dear god.

Sally was still giving him the biggest and brightest of hugs before finally letting him come through the door. He seemed like a well mannered kid. Placed his shoes neatly in the shoe rack next to the front door and locked the door behind him. Without even giving me another glance, Sally ushered him to the living room and made him take a seat on the couch before giving him a kiss on the forehead and rushing to the kitchen to give him something to eat. I expected Percy to brush her off or act embarrassed, but he only smiled and loved everything that she did for him.

Huh. That's nice.

It was only then when they remembered that I existed. Sally was just about to go grab some of the cookies she baked this morning when she saw me, awkwardly lurking there.

"Oh, gods, I'm so sorry, I completely forgot!" she exclaimed, placing the plate down and grabbing me by the hand. "Percy, this is Paul. Remember Mr. Blofis? The man I told you I'm seeing?"

Oh no, they talked about me! Things are not looking good for my future.

"I remember mom," he said, standing up from his seat. "Hi Mr. Blowfish, my name is Percy."

He sounded so kind and respectful as he stuck his hand out in front of me. I was so awkward and embarrassed that I just stared at him for a second. Sally cleared her throat and nudged me playfully, jolting me out of my phase and let me shake his hand before he thinks I'm weird.

"And, Percy dear, it's Blofis," she said to her son, smirking. Percy just rolled his eyes before looping her into a sideways hug and following his mom into the kitchen. I stayed a little bit behind, wanting to give them some space as they bonded. I've never seen Percy around here much, but he seemed really young, like he was only 14 years old. Why wasn't he at home that often?

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