The Stories You Never Told

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Clarisse POV

"What!" I shouted at Chiron. "What do you mean! I ain't going anywhere with him!"

"Child, it'll be okay! Apollo had come to me, asking that I send two demigods to get his child. Percy always has a way with children and I am assuming that there is some sort of danger given that we need to send a quest with demigods to get this child. That's why I have chosen you."

Chiron spoke calmly and slowly, but I was just getting angry. A whole day with Prissy just trying to get some stupid kid that can't walk to camp like everyone else? Gods!

"Fine!" I huffed. I marched over back to the Ares cabin so that I could get packed. I saw Percy sitting outside his cabin, his blue backpack already ready and beside him. He just smirked at my annoyed face.

I just rolled my eyes.

Five minutes later, the two of us were out of the borders, with Argus driving us down to the nearest train station. The kid was apparently in Pennsylvania, so at least we aren't going, like, halfway across the country.

The journey to the house was pretty quiet for the most part. We faced like two small monsters that, between the two of us, was practically nothing because we killed them pretty fast.

"So are you gonna, like, knock or somethin'?" I said, playfully hitting Percy on the shoulder. He just stared at the downtrodden house with a foreign expression on his face. He looked vacant, like he wasn't really there.

"Oh, yeah, sure," he muttered, before walking over to the house. I saw Percy crane his neck over to the side and I tried to look for what he was looking at.

I faintly heard some shouting and some sort of mess going on inside the house, but I just brushed it off.

I don't think Percy did.

He clenched his hands until his knuckles turned white before hitting the door roughly. An angry looking man, with cheeks flushed red, opened the door.

"What do you want!" he shouted to our faces. "Just leave us the heck alone!"

Percy's eyes trailed downward and he saw something and then he suddenly lunged forward.

And attacked that man


I was in so much shock. Percy? Of all people? The kind, sweet, and annoyingly caring Percy? The Percy that was deadly only for monsters and enemies? He was covering the doorway at this point so I couldn't even see what it was that Percy saw that elicited such a reaction.

Percy attacked the man and had him down on the floor. He looked crazed and angry, but also terrified.

He didn't look okay at all.

Then, all of a sudden, he left the man, letting him just stay groaning on the floor, before standing up and then walking through the house.

I followed him, thinking that he was probably just trying to look for the kid, but didn't say anything. As much as I loved to make fun of Prissy, we grew to make some sort of understanding as the years went by. This is a time where I just don't say anything.

Percy walked confidently to the smallest room, as if he already knew where the child was, and then walked inside.

"Hey," Percy whispered. "My name is Percy. I'm not going to hurt you, I promise. Your dad is out cold downstairs."

Now, I didn't know why the heck Percy would say that. How does he think telling a kid that his dad was unconscious was going to help him believe us?

"He's not my dad," a small voice growled from the corner. He stood up from his hiding spot, his face small and determined.

More Than You Know (Oneshots)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant